Chapter 46

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Draco's POV

"Don't be so arrogant, Malfoy! You don't get to make fun if my friends like that!", Harry said, trying to sound threatening.
"Ah, your FRIENDS... You have to be a really nice and caring friend to not notice that there is something between us", I noticed between two coughs. He pressed his arm harder against my throat and I started to choke. "You're only saying that to provoke me!"
"I'm not, now let go of me!", I tried to say and started to cough again.
"I won't let go until you tell me what you're up to! I'm not going to let you hurt my friends. You're-"
"Let go of him, Harry."
When we heard the new voice, both of us turned to the site to see our visitor. Before I recognized the person I used my chance and pushed Potter away to free myself. And then I saw Ron. What? What was he doing? Was he really protecting me? I mean, I wouldn't have needed help, I could have got out of this misery by myself, but still... "Ron?", Harry asked, sounding as surprised as I was. "What are you doing here? Why are you protecting him? He's trying to hurt Hermione in some way and I was about to find out what he had planned until you came in!" Ron rolled with his eyes and I tried to cover a laugh due to that reaction. "He's not trying to hurt her.", Ron tried to clear the situation. "They're together."
"That's what I said!", I added frustrated.
"Oh, shut it, Malfoy!", Ron said.
Potter just stares at us. And I couldn't believe that I was saved by a Weasley. At least not after Hermione just broke up their fake relationship to be with me.
"Um, yeah, well... I'm not sorry anyways, I just wanted to protect them from you. Who knows what you're up to next... You know, Hermione doesn't need somebody like you, she deserves so much better", Harry pointed out. I started to get angry: "Do you think I don't know that?! And who are you to judge? You don't even know me! You live in your happy little bubble where you can protect everybody and in the end you will be the hero and save the day! But you don't need to protect Hermione from me, I would never hurt her!"
While Harry stared at me angrily, I noticed Ron standing uncomfortably in the back. "I-I... I think I'm going to leave now... I mean, we are going to leave: Harry, you're coming with me." He pulled him at his arm, forcing Potter to go with him. Before they left, I nodded at Ron thankfully.

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