Chapter 48

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Draco's POV

We stopped right in front of the great hall and whilst Hermione froze in shock I couldn't help but laugh at the look on her face. She was just too cute, when she looked like that. "Are you still petrified because of what just happened?", I asked her grinning. She looked at me and seemed to think about her answer shortly. Then she said: "Well, yes... How could I just leave the book like this?" The was a quick moment of silence before we both broke out in laughter. "You should've seen her face, when you ran away!", Hermione said laughing. "She was literally looking like she saw a ghost!" I laughed even harder and made a noise that was supposed to sound scary. After a few minutes of laughing we had to sit down to take a breath. I turned my head to look at Hermione. The way she sat there, still smiling and her cheeks lightly blushing of excitement, I knew she didn't worry about anything. Seeing her happy, was when I loved her the most. As if she would have felt me staring, she turned to me.
"Where are you going to take me?", she asked. Because, I didn't know exactly how to explain it, I just took her hand and said: "You'll see soon enough"
"Please, Draco, tell me where we're going! My curiosity is killing me!", she begged, but I could tell by the twinkle in her eyes that she loved getting surprises. So I just shook my head and led her out of the castle. As soon as we were outside I heard the rolling of thunder. That can not be true. It couldn't start raining now. I felt a panic attack preparing itself to overcome me any second but I just ignored it and kept walking. The rain wouldn't even be the problem, just the clouds that came with it. But I forced myself not to think of the worst case scenario but rather do small talk with Hermione.
"So...", I said while putting my arm around her shoulders. "Anything I've missed during the last few weeks apart from the obvious?"

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