Chapter 27

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Hermione's POV

When I opened my eyes, everything was white. Where am I?, I thought. White... White... OH CRAP, was I dead?! I sat up quickly and then noticed that I was at the hospital wing. Why? What happened? It was dark outside, so nighttime, but what time was it exactly? And WHAT HAPPENED? I was starting to panic, when I saw the blond hair next to my bed. That was my blond hair, I knew it so well by now. Draco. I instantly calmed own a bit. With my fingers I brushed a strand of hair out of his face. I wish everything would just go back to normal. I hate fighting with him and I'm surprised that he even is here, despite the fact that I broke up with him. He slowly started to move, then looked at me and smiled. "Morning, sunshine!", he whispered. Why was he talking to me like absolutely nothing happened? I should just go with it as long as it lasts. I giggled: "It's not morning! Look outside, it's completely dark!" He looked on the pocket watch, he got from his father ages ago, grinned and said: "Actually, we do have morning: Its 1:02 am!" And with that he got up, walked over to me and kissed me softly: "So, again, good morning, sunshine!" I smiled and pulled him closer to kiss him back. How I had missed that! When we detached I asked: "Draco, why am I here? What happened?" He looked confused: "Don't you remember?" "No, what should I remember?" "But.. I thought that... We were talking and all that, I thought you were okay? I just brought you here to let Madam Pompfrey check once more... You really do not remember anything at all?" What was he talking about? Whenever I tried to remember a thing, I got dizzy. "No, my mind is a complete mess right now. The last thing I can think of without feeling all weird is..." I thought about it for a second and then I whispered: "When... When I broke up with you."
Draco got really pale. Was it because of the breakup? I couldn't find out, because he said: "I'm gonna go find Madam Pompfrey, now. I love you." With that he left. What happened?

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