Chapter 44

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Hermione's POV

I almost ran down the isle, feeling happier then I did in month and looking forward to finally get the last bits and pieces done that started in my past- I really wanted to start over. With Draco. Because even though I tried to conceal my feelings for him towards everybody including me, I was glad that all of the covering up was over now and we could finally be together for good. I mean we still haven't decided on how or if to tell the others, but we might not need that anyways. Because if I have told Ron in a minute, who knows, what he's going to do with that information? And also I feel really bad about him. He thought I loved him after all. But I didn't. Not really anyways, I just told myself that. I was almost at the door to the Gryffindor Common room, when I remembered something else. A little voice inside my head reminded me that he was a big part of the lie and that I should not feel bad about him. But I felt sorry nonetheless because he thought he would get through with that lie. While the current class was still running, I knew that Ron would be in the common room already, due to the fact that he just had a flying lesson with Madame Hooch who lets her students leave earlier a lot. "Nix Noctuae", I said to the fat Lady and went in after she opened the door.
I spotted Ron right away, he was sitting in one of the dark red armchairs right next to the fire place, reading the daily prophet. "Are you actually reading?", I asked him in disbelief. Oh, no! I couldn't believe I just said that. What a great start to a conversation like this. I didn't realise before that I was so nervous about this. My hands were shaking as I sat down onto the chair facing him. As soon as he looked up from the newspaper I could tell by the look of his eyes that he knew.
"You know it, right?", he asked pursing his lips. I just nodded and he sighed. "I knew that you were going to find out everything at some point. They don't call you the brightest witch of our age for nothing." I cringed by the sound of the name they had given me. He smiled sadly and continued: "It was nice having someone who cares about me the most. I mean you didn't really, you always loved him, but at least you tried. And... I am really sorry, Hermione. It might be hard to believe, since I took advantage of the lie but... I am really sorry, we shouldn't have lied to you." Although, in the back of my mind I still was a bit upset, I appreciated his excuse. "I do believe you, Ron", I said. "And I am sorry as well."
"What for?", he asked confused.
"That we didn't work out"
He nodded sadly and I got up and went to his chair. I leaned down to give him a gentle kiss on his right cheek. When I left the room, I looked back and saw him sitting there with a small smile. The daily prophet was lying on the floor.

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