Chapter 40

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Hermione's POV

I turned around and started walking towards the door. I was incredibly mad but rather than that I was upset. And disappointed. Why was it so hard for Draco to tell me? Was I not trust-worthy? Just in that moment he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him. Was he finally going to reveal it? Whatever IT was... "Hermione..." I just looked at him. Just spit it out already!, I thought.
"I-I..." Draco looked terrified. "...I kind of maybe have been lying to you a bit recently...?", he said nervously.
What?, I thought.
"What?", I asked.
Now it was his turn to just look at me.
"What have you been lying about?", I tried to get him to talk. Seriously, he definitely needed some help with speaking in front of other people. Draco took a deep breath and finally started talking. He told me about what happened after our breakup and how Ron hit me because I got between him and Draco and how I then was laying in the hospital wing and because of some stupid reason he decided that it was better for us all if I would be with Ron instead of him...
"And I immediately regretted it but I thought it was too late to change it and I kept telling myself that that was the right thing to do and I... I am so so sorry, Hermione!", he finished his explanation.
I watched him in disbelieve. "And it never came across your mind that this might have been my decision?! I mean, sure, it's just about MY freaking life, but okay!", I yelled at him. What did he just think? "I thought, I was going mad!", I continued: "I wasn't sure why I would be together with Ron, with somebody I didn't feel anything about! I thought that maybe it was because of the accident, and I felt sorry about him- worse- I blamed ME for lying about feelings for him! Why didn't you tell me? Why did you have to hurt me like that?" My last question was nothing more than a whisper and I started to feel the tears in my eyes. I didn't want to cry. Not in front of him. But I was so upset. And he just stood there doing nothing.
"I loved you Draco. Even after the breakup. Why did you have to betray me like that?"
Something changed in his eyes, I couldn't define it. He slowly walked towards me. When he stood right in front of me, I noticed that his eyes were shimmering. Was he about to cry as well? All of the sudden all my anger disappeared. I just felt exhausted.
"Hermione, I am in love with you. I love you more than anything in the world and I can't stand the thought of losing you because of my stupid decisions. I am so sorry for everything. I was naive and only wanted the best for you! I know now that this all was a mistake and I would do anything to change the past. Just... Please, don't let me lose you!"
At that moment I couldn't hold the tears from running over my face and when I started sobbing, Draco closed the gap between us by holding me in his arms. And I let him. "I love you, too", I tried to say between two sobs and I could tell he understood by the way he pulled me even closer.

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