Chapter 16

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Hermione's POV

"I was looking everywhere for you!", Draco said while tearing his hair. "What happened? Why weren't you at our Defense against the Dark Arts class?"
I blushed. I was so embarrassed. I just couldn't tell him how weak I'd been... But I had to say something! "Ehh... I felt a bit sick, it must have been the breakfast or something...", I tried to calm him. He looked at me with a weird look on his face and sat down beside me. "Hermione, you can't lie to me, you know that. Besides, we have magical food, so you cannot get sick because of that... So what is it, love?"
I sighed. Seriously, I don't want to tell him. Although... He does deserve to know the truth... "I don't know, Draco, today's just been a pretty stressful day for me. It started so perfect with you...", I gave him a sad smile. "...but then, it seems, the whole world turned against me. Draco, I was being told... Things... Things, I don't even want to repeat. People hate me for dating you and they are not afraid to show it! And I... I wasn't able to keep it together, I was just too weak... I-I... I'm so sorry, Draco, I truly am!" With that I started to cry again and the only thing different was that it was in front of the love of my life.

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