Chapter 15

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Hermione's POV

The kiss had more meaning than anything else had ever before. But I couldn't do this. What Draco said made my heart melt like warm chocolate but that just made it even clearer. We couldn't be together. I was bullied today for being together with someone like him. Maybe they were right, but not in the way that I was better than Draco but rather the other way around. I mean, although he told me that I wasn't weak, I still had the proof because of my reaction today. Why was I even thinking this could possibly work out? Ot was all my fault because I wanted it to be public, I wanted him to tell everybody and most important: I wanted him. So badly. But I needed to protect him. It was a lucky coincidence that they didn't talk about him already and it should stay that way. Even though that would not be easy, I had to stay away from Draco. Oh, who am I kidding?! It would be the hardest thing ever. But I had no choice, there was no other way. I kissed him back only one more time so that I could remember this last moment. The moment before everything would be destroyed by me. I detached. "Draco." "Hmm?", he said, looking down to me lovingly and a bit dizzy. "Draco, I just can't be with you anymore." All of the sudden he was wide awake: "Pardon me?" "I said, I can't be with you anymore. I'm sorry but don't you notice, we just don't work out together? It's over." As my voice stayed cold, I turned around and ztarted walking away so that he wouldn't notice the tears rolling again. As I left, I dared to peek over my shoulder once. He stood there just looking to my leaving self in unbelief.
My heart broke into thousand pieces.

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