Chapter 29

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Hermione's POV

"Where have you been?", I asked Ron, when he came back. "Oh, I just had a question for Madam Pompfrey. I wasn't quite sure with something..." He looked at me with a facial expression that I couldn't identify. "Was it about my memory?", I asked. He smiled at me: "Not directly. I was just thinking about.... eh... About how the medicine coud have influenced it.", Draco said. But he couldn't fool me, I knew he was lying at me. But why? "Ah.", I simply said. He looked at me with the same confusing look again. I couldn't take the awkward silence anymore. We never had anything like that before. "So... Do you want to tell me what happened, or am I supposed to figure things out on my own?", that sounded meaner than I meant it to do. Draco cleared his throat uncomfortably: "Euh, well...", he started. What was he hiding? I was starting to get really mad at him. "Well", he tried again: "We broke up obviously, and since then you were hanging out with Weasley, and I think you both wanted to kiss, when something knocked you out. I didn't see it, I wasn't there, I just came here afterwards. Ron cared about you lovely, like a responsible boyfriend should and I just arrived about twenty minutes ago. That was the only time we actually spoke to each other since the breakup. And I think that might have been a mistake." When he finished, he turned away. Something wasn't quite right about all this. We didn't talk at all? And most importantly: Ron- My boyfriend?! I needed a few moments to really get the news. "But, then...", I wondered: "What about the kiss and that?" He turned back to look at me. With cold eyes he said: "I already told you that was a mistake. I shouldn't have done it. It's wrong, Hermione." The way he spit out my name, likr something disgusting made mr shiver. "Oh. Okay. I guess, I should go see Ron then." I said and got up. My head was still hurting, but I got back my balance. When I left, I noticed a bit of dried blood right under Draco's nose. What did I miss?

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