Chapter 37

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Draco's POV

Unfortunately I did wake up eventually the next morning. At first I didn't think about anything that had happened yesterday, but then everything came back all at once. With Pansy. And Hermione. Why do girls always have ro be so complicated? Maybe I just shouldn't be with girls anymore. But I started to regret that I slammed the door when I saw Hermione, that must have seemed pretty cruel. At least that can be counted as one more evidence that I am totally over her. I mean apart from the fact that I am thinking about he like all the time. Yes, I should definitely stop that. I got ready and went to breakfast, hoping that Hermione wouldn't be there already. That would be a pretty weird coincidence, since it was not seven in the morning. Secretly I had to admit that I kind of hoped that she was there, I thought that maybe, if I could only talk to her for a second... No, I couldn't. And if she's not running right into me I won't either. When I arrived at the great hall, my vision was proved to be true. Since Hermione wasn't there, I thought I could sit anywhere I liked, at least until I saw Pansy. She doesn't know that I saw her yesterday, so I decided to leave without breakfast to avoid yet another lie. I turned around quickly, so that she wouldn't see me and came around, when someone rushed into me. When I hit the ground I cursed my damn bad luck and looked at who hit me. I couldn't believe it. There she was, next to her books that are now all over the floor. "Sorry...", she mumbled and started picking up her books. Just the second I started to help her, someone behind me yelled: "Draco!" Damn it! Pansy! I handed Hermione the last books and then took her by her wrist. "We need to talk. Now.", I whispered. "What, now?", she frowned. "Yes. NOW.", I pushed. Pansy was already on her way. "Fine.", Hermione said and we left the great hall as fast as possible.

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