Chapter 33

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Draco's POV

This morning I was standing at the staircase, waiting for Pansy to finally show up. We said we would go to breakfast together but I was waiting for straight twenty minutes now. Where was she? By the time she showed up, I was starving already. But I took her hand anyways and said nothing about this. "Good morning!", I said as happy as I could. I didn't sleep well last night but I didn't want to answer annoying questions all day. Like if I had a nightmare and what it was about. Then I would have to tell her about Hermione and I didn't want that at all. She smiled and leaned forward for a kiss but I quickly turned my head so that she would only kiss my cheek. If she'd noticed anything she didn't let it show. When we entered the great hall, I was automatically searching the room for Hermione. There she was, sitting with Harry Potter and Ron's little sister and... Ron. Obviously. And as if not enough, they were holding hands while eating. But I didn't care. No. Not at all. Especially, since it was my decision. The problem was that if we would want to go to our places, we had to directly pass them. No!, I told myself. That wasn't a problem. While we were still passing them, I turned towards Pansy and said loudly: "Do you want to go outside after school, lovely?" I hoped that Hermione would take that as a proof that I was totally over her.

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