Chapter 34

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Hermione's POV

Did he just call Pansy Parkinson lovely?! I could not believe it! I tried to stay calm so that Harry and especially Ron wouldn't notice anything but it was hard. I couldn't believe that he just threw away the magic of calling me lovely, by using it for her as well. Like that's just a common label for every girl! I- I needed to react to that! NOW! "Euh, Ron, are you done?", I asked him with my most loving smile. "Well... Yes, I guess so...?", he responded confused: "Why are you ask-" "Okay, then let's go to the Gryffindor common room then to use the time we have left before class, HONEY!", I tried to convince him, while at the same time I was trying to get Draco's attention. And it seemed to work because he was clearly staring at the two of us. "Come on, Ron, we don't want to waste time, don't we?", I tried again and was starting to feel bad for using him like that when he finally stood up. "Sure, I'm coming!", he said eagerly. I shortly noticed Draco's withering glance when he already said to Pansy: "Or let's just skip class and go outside with our breakfast!" When she ageed happily he smiled and to top it all off he kissed her. Right in front of me! I couldn't take it anymore and dragged Ron with me as I quickly left the great hall. When we got back to the common room Ron asked: "So what exactly did you mean by using the time?" When I told him that I -of course- ment studying, he looked so disappointed that I gave him a soft kiss. After all, I really liked him. But was it enough to forget about Draco?

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