Chapter 39

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Draco's POV

Oh crap!, I thought. How should I explain to her that everybody recently has been lying to her? And that it's all my fault! I'm going to die. If not of embarrassment than because she is going to kill me when she finds out. And if I would have the courage to tell her and she doesn't has the urge to murder me painfully- What guarantees me that he still likes me? I sighed.
Why did I want to do that again?
Oh, right!
Because even so I've tried not to, I am still madly in love with her and just want her to forgive me and come back to me.
Now I just need to formulate that in a nice and innocent way. Haha. When I came back from my daydreams Hermione was still staring at me. How much time had passed since she asked me? What was the question again? Didn't she-
"DRACO!", she almost yelled at me. Luckily for us, the room we stayed in was far away from the commonly used corridors, so nobody was going to hear us. And I liked it better when she screamed at me than when she was silent. That was where it got dangerous. Oh, damn it! I did it again! Why can't I just concentrate?
"Draco Lucius Malfoy. Would you please be so kind and tell me what the heck you are talking about?", Hermione now almost whispered calmly. There we go, this is the end., I thought, while a cold shiver ran down my neck. But I still didn't say anything. It was freaking me out and I was in shock.
"Draco, if you don't tell me right now, I WILL leave and never want to hear from you ever again.", she continued in the exact same voice.
Why couldn't I just tell her?! This was the end of it all.

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