Chapter 36

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Hermione's POV

"The bloody hell was that?!", I asked myself after the door slammed behind Daco. About two hours ago I went up to the attic to calm down. The last few days I felt really confused, like something was out of order, not in the right place. Whenever I was with Ron I put on a happy face, letting him believe that everything was perfectly fine. But on the inside I felt like I'm imprisoned in my own body. I needed to breathe and I couldn't think about any better place than the attic. Something told me that all the hours I spent here with Draco would take the weight off of me. And it did. At least until Draco burst through the door. Does he come here often? Or was it just a coincidence that he wanted to go here at exactly the same time as me. I didn't know. I was getting desperate again, despite the fact that I came here to relax and calm down. Something felt terribly wrong in my life and I couldn't figure out what it was. My desperate wish to be alone disappeared all at once and I made my way downstairs. When I crossed the second last floor before the staircase that would lead to my dorm, I noticed two people snogging at the end. Wait- Wasn't the girl Pansy Parkinson? That girl that I was jealous of because she was the one with Draco and not me?! Stop, stop, STOP! I don't want to be with Draco. He is mean. Almost cruel. And arrogant. And a giant idiot. And super cute. NO!
As I made my way the last steps to my dormitory I thought, that I should be glad to be with someone as nice as Ron. He is always so caring. Although, sometimes he seems to care just a bit too much...

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