Chapter 30

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Hermione's POV

I was still thinking about the dried blood, when I reached the Gryffindor common room. It was almost empty. Nobody was there but... Ron. When he saw me he asked anxiously: "Hermione, how are you? Are you feeling better now?" I thought he might would want to come hug me or anything but he just stayed there. But because I needed a little bit of comfort right now I went up to him and hugged him by myself. "Yeah, I'm alright.", I answered finally: "Feeling a bit dizzy but otherwise..." Ron looked at me confused. Why was everybody acting so bloody weird? "Did you hit your head?", Ron asked. Pardon me? "Well, obviously, since I have a big purple bruise at my forehead! Also, wouldn't you know? Draco told me you've been there all along patiently, being the caring boyfriend you are.", I said. "Boyf-? Euh... I mean, of course I have been there all the time, I was just taking a quick nap and just wanted to come back look for you!", he said excusing himself. Maybe I just hit my head harder than I thought, and nobody was acting weird, I just thought so. I got on my toes and kissed Ron: "Don't be sorry, you need to get some rest, too, but thank you, that was very sweet of you!" He seemed surprised. Why would he be surprised? What is going on with my head? To get rid of all the confusing thoughts, I kissed him again and this time he held on to my waist and kissed me back. Although he wasn't surprised this time, something didn't quite feel right about this. I detached and said: "I think I need to get some sleep now, my mind is playing tricks on me." With another quick kiss he said me goodnight and brought me to my dorm. "Sleep well, lovely.", he said. Lovely, that's what Draco used to call me. Before he became such an idiot. "You, too!", I answered, before I finally went to bed.
The night I had some weird dreams about Ron first punching Draco and than hitting me. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I decided that those dreams, were due to my headaches and tried to sleep again. The rest if the night was rough, but I hadn't had any dreams like that again.

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