Chapter 3

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Hermione's POV

"Stop it, Draco!", I said, pretending to be upset. "Stop what? Oh, you mean calling you, sweet sweet Hermione, sweet?", he responded grinning.
"Yes! Don't you think we should use the little time we have for something better?", I said rolling with my eyes. "Okay, what do you think, something like that...".
I was about to ask what like that is, but before I could even start, he leaned over and kissed me softly. My heart skipped a beat. In those moments I wished we could be tell everyone about us. But that's impossible.
After a few seconds, Draco slowly detached but I didn't want to stop. I took his arm and said: "No, more like that..." I put my arms around his neck and started kissing him again, more passionate this time. I could feel his smile through our kiss and he layed his hands around my waist and pulled me closer. I couldn't think about anything but him: His warm hands on my waist, his hair line under my fingers, the soft but passionate touch of our lips. After what felt like less than enough time, we stopped again. "I hate to break it here, but you need to get some sleep tonight.", he said quietly. "But I don't want to go just yet. Can't we stay a little longer? Besides, what about you?", I answered begging. "I have to go to bed, too and you can be sure, I want nothing more than to stay with you, but-" "Why don't we just make it public?" I interrupted him. "Hermione, we talked that through a lot, already... We... I just can't let you be seen with me!", he said sighing. "But I want to be seen with you! You're the most amazing boyfriend, I could ever imagine and..." "Don't you get it?", Draco said almost shouting. "I'm bad for you. Your smart and funny and kind, and everybody loves you, but what about me? I'm always the bad guy and you shouldn't be connected with that!" I was speechless. "But Draco...", I started but he interrupted me again: "No, no but Draco. I think it might be the best if we take a break for a little time... Otherwise, I will surly harm you somehow!" With those words he left the attic without turning around again.

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