Chapter 19

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Draco's POV

When I arrived at Defence against the Dark Arts Hermione wasn't there. I waited until the bell rang the second time and then left. I had to find her. Hermione was never late, she had always been at her table before the first ring. Before rushing out of the door I heard two girls whisper her name and something else, but I did not understand what they where saying and now wasn't the time to ask. I headed downstairs to the great hall to see if she was there and when I figured she wasn't, I went through every single floor to see if she was there- with the same results. I even went in front of the Gryffindor Common Room and asked for her, although I shouldn't be able to know where it was. Nothing. I decided to go to the room of requirements to see if she was there, and on my way I passed Madame Pomfrey's. I looked in curiously and... Saw a dark blond shock of hair. Was that possible? I walked in but when I came closer I noticed that it was somebody else. Otherwise the room was empty. I sighed in relief and with despair at the same time and made my way further to the room of requirements. After finding out that she wasn't there, either. I slid down the wall and sat on the ground. Where is she? What has happened to her? Think, Draco, THINK!, I told myself. If I was Hermione, where would I be. She was beautiful, funny, intelligent, kind- wait- Intelligent! Of course, she has to be in the library! How could I have not thought about that in the first place, it is so obvious! I rushed upstairs again to the library to finally see her in the corner behind the last bookshelf. When I arrived she looked up and seemed surprised. "Draco, what are you doing here?", she asked.

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