Chapter 22

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Hermione's POV

Ron was more than nice to me these days. Whenever I needed help, he was there for me and sometimes it even looked like he knew about my problems and wishes before I did. We developed our own routine over time, we went to our classes then eventually he'd pick me up after he was done and we went outside to study or just talk. Sometimes he tried to bring me to play chess with him but I absolutely hated that and I'd almost never said yes. I also forbid myself to think about... him at all and I only saw him during the classes we had together. That didn't mean that I would not notice the looks he gave me during that time. I mean, I tried but... It just wasn't that easy. Not as easy as with Ron. Speaking of him: He started talking to me a few seconds ago and I missed nearly everything. The only thing I heard was: "Would you like to do that anytime soon?" And because I didn't want him to notice that I wasn't listening, I said: "I'd love to!", and smiled. I just hoped he didn't ask me to play chess again. He didn't. I knew that because he started to smile and said: "Great, I'll pick you up at seven then!" He got up and helped me on my feet as well. "I need to do my assignments now, then, see you!", he added and walked back into the school building. I was more than confused. What had he planned for tonight? What did I say yes to?

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