Chapter 35

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Draco's POV

Today was the worst. First the battle of Hermione and me trying to top the other with our 'perfect' relationship and than I had to spend two hours outside with pansy. I mean, okay, it might have been my Idea but she can be so annoying sometimes! And last but not least, the rest of the day I spend in my classes or doing homework. Now I was sitting in front of the fire in our common room in my favourite chair and didn't know what to do with myself. I pulled out my pocket watch and slowly ran with my finger over the engraving. I could feel my initials. D. M. I opened it and looked at the dial. 11:43 pm. A few weeks ago I would have gone to the attic now. I decided to go up there just once more. I mean, it didn't matter, did it? Out of habit my hand slid over the snake on the common room table. Someone placed it there ages ago and when you slide your had over it it's supposed to function as a lucky charm. I would never do this in front of another Slytherin- that would have made me seem week. Like I strongly needed luck. But I used to do it before I went up to Hermione, just to not get caught. I laughed quietly. I knew all the different ways so well, it would need a lot to caught me. Also, there were about fifty students every night walking around the corridors, so Filch had a lot others to take care of first. When I reached the last corridor I suddenly stopped. I thought I had heard a quiet giggling but when I listened closer, I couldn't hear anything anymore. Was I hearing ghost noises? I ignored it and went up the last steps towards the attic. I opened the door and thought that I might feel relieved for the first time in a long while, not getting disturbed by anybody. And then I saw Hermione. "Oh god!", I said and slammed the door again. That was just too much for me. I turned around and wanted to go to bed as quickly as I could, thinking that this day could not get any worse. We'll I thought wrong. When I reached the corridor where I heard the giggling, I realized that there were two people snogging. Not just any two. Pansy and... Oh, I don't even want to know what his name is! Since they haven't noticed me yet, I turned around and took a different way to my dorm. I went straight to bed, wanting to sleep for the rest of my life.

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