Chapter 47

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Hermione's POV

I was sitting in the library. Like always. And I was in the last row hiding my head behind a book. Like always. And even though, nothing felt the same. That was because on the one hand, Ron took the news so much better than I thought and on the other hand, I was finally with Draco again and he should show up here any second. I was really nervous and I didn't know why exactly. I tried to focus on the lines, taking in every single word but I somehow couldn't do it right now. Instead I picked up the pile of books on the cart next to me and started bringing them to their original place. I was about to put 'Advanced Spells 2' into it's shelf when I noticed that a few other books were not in order. I generally was a quite patient person but with books in the wring place. That was the one thing which just freaked me out. I put down the books on my arm and starting pulling out the books on the shelf. Suddenly a face appeared on the other side of the shelf. "Draco!", I shrieked, he scared the heck out of me. "Don't do that!" He just laughed. I tried to look angry but I couldn't stop grinning. "Come on, Hermione, we don't want to spend the rest of the day in the library- well, I know you would but- I have other plans for us!", he revealed. Now I was curious: "Whatever it is, I'd love to! But I have to put back these books first." Draco looked disappointed at first but then he said: "Can't you just leave them? Just put them all in this shelf..."
"Draco, I can't just leave them here, I-"
"Why not? It's easy, see?" He stepped around the corner, taking all the books that were on the ground and in my hands at once and put them into the bookshelf in front of us. I couldn't help but stare at his arm muscles while he did this. He turned around and grabbed my hand after giving me a light kiss on my cheek. We were about to go out of the library when we noticed Mrs Filch standing uncomfortably close to us. "What do you think you're up to? Leaving books like that?", he said with a cracking voice.
"We... Ehh...", I stumbled.
"Oh, we were actually about to run away!", Draco said honestly and then pulled me with him. We ran out of the library, leaving Filch behind, and we kept running until we reached the great hall.

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