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The students of the final year were sitting in the great hall, nervous and excited at the same time. The probably most important day of their lives, at least until now, has come. The moment they had worked for over the last seven years. The Graduation Ceremony.
Today, nobody was sitting at their house tables but everybody was sitting with their friends at any table. The teachers haven't arrived yet, still you could only hear excited whisper.
"So, how excited are you, exactly?", Draco asked Hermione quietly.
They were both sitting at the Gryffindor table, right next to Harry, Ron and Neville, who were discussing Hogwarts' latest Quidditch game and didn't listen to what they were talking about.
Hermione sighed and looked to the teachers desk in the front of the room.
"A lot. I can't believe that this is our last day here. I mean, we could probably still visit Hogwarts, but-"
"You realise that I was talking about our trip this weekend?", Draco interrupted her laughing.
"Oh. Yeah. I'm obviously excited about this, too!", she said grinning. "Especially since were are on our own for two and a half days! We have nothing to do and could just stay in bed all day and relax!"
"I could live with that!", Draco said with a wink, which made Hermione turn bright red.
"Sorry, I just wanted to see you turn red", He excused himself laughing. "You're just too cute like that!"
Hermione tried to hit him playfully but he grabbed her arms before they could touch him. While the teachers finally began to walk in, Draco pulled up Hermione's arms and kissed her quickly. "You know... I'm really excited about our trip as well." And as the teachers started the ceremony, they smiled at each other like nothing bad could happen anymore.

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