Chapter 23

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Hermione's POV

Ron was there 7 o'clock sharp. He wore black pants and the school sweater, but still managed to look kind of handsome. "Shall we?", he asked and after I nodded, he took my arm and pulled me with him. "Where are we going?", I said, trying to free my arm of his grip and at the same time figure out what I had missed this morning. "Hermione, I told you it was a surprise!", Ron said and winked at me. "Oh, right...", I pretended that I did pay attention to what he said earlier this day, while in reality I thought of Draco. What would he think, if he saw me together with Ron? What would he say? In this very second, while Ron was telling me something about Quidditch which I wasn't interested at all, I saw a blond piece of hair at the other side of the school's campus. It wasn't just any blond. Draco!, I thought. But when we came a little closer, I couldn't find him anymore. I tried to ignore my disappointment, while we left the school ground. When we reached Hogsmeade I was quite sure we were going to visit the 'Three Broomsticks', but we only stopped there to take away two butterbeer. "Ron, I'm impressed, your ears didn't turn red anymore while ordering from Madam Rosmerta!", I said jokingly. He grinned: Maybe they turn red because of somebody else, now." I didn't react. He did not really mean me, didn't he? I just ignored it, and kept walking. Suddenly I stopped, because I didn't know where to go anymore. "Oh, come, in that direction!", Ron said, pointing towards the way to the woods. "Wait... Are we going- ?" He stopped me right there by saying: "Gosh, you know I am terrified of spiders and bugs and stuff like that living there!" Draco wouldn't have said that. I don't even know of anything he might be afraid of. We arrived at the top of a hill right when the sunset started. Ron sat down, tapping on the place next to him to invite me to follow his lead. I sat down as well, placing my butterbeer on the side. The view was breathtaking. Seeing all the sifferent shades of orange and red was just amazing. "Wow, Ron, this place is incredible!", I told him stunned. He smiled at me. Behind us a tree branch made a cracking noise, I turned around and at the same time Ron said: "Like you." I turned back and asked: "Pardon?" His face was only centimeters away, when did he get so close? He leaned forward just a tiny bit more and repeated: "Like you. You are incredible!" He got a bit closer again and I...

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