Shut Up and Listen

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It amazed Cassie how different Carlton was on camera than he was off. She wondered how many people have actually seen his true self. Probably not many, or else he definitely wouldn't be here right now and neither would she. 

He was doing an an address on an issue that's been an issue for years, yet there hasn't been any effort to do anything about it, nor will there be. Sounds like the U.S. She's been trailing him for a few days now, doing what she does best, and that's keeping leaders in order. 

Carlton still despised the idea of her being there and he's tried to fire her numerous times, but he can't. She's here under American and British law. He has control over one, but not the other. So, they were stuck with each other for a while. 

The first day, after all his meetings were done, he started grumbling about how he won't have her telling him what to do and she heard him yelling at Jacob for it. But this was a battle he cannot win. There was no getting rid of her. 

The second day, she got a taste of the insults and lashing out, which she found quite funny. She's been called worse, so it didn't phase her a bit. That bothered him even more. He locked himself in his office for the rest of the day like a kid who was upset that his toy got taken away. 

Today, he hasn't said much of anything. He took the papers that were handed to him and looked them over, but refused to discuss them with her like he should. Fine with her. 

Since he couldn't lash out at her and get a reaction, he took it out on Jacob and the staff about any small detail he could find wrong about them. Cassie later confronted him about it, to which he full-on yelled at her about how she should stay out of his business and that anything he doesn't say directly to her, doesn't concern her. 

"And how will people, your people, react with they find out you are causing a hostile working environment?!" She shouted back. "Over fifty staff members have quit because of you! I won't so easily be persuaded, but you can't just pretend to be the most charming man on the planet when your on-camera!" 

"Oh, and who's going to tell them?! You?!" He yelled. Cassie scoffed and told him, "I am not here to be a tattle-tale, Carlton! It is in my best interest to make sure that this douchebag side of you doesn't get shown to the world! This, you and I, whatever we say, is completely confidential! I won't go running to Jacob or anyone about my boss is mean spoiled brat!" 

Carlton was huffing and puffing with his hands on his hips. His eyes looked at her dangerously. She continued, "If you keep acting like this, one of them will go to the press and that will be a lot of work for me and absolute hell for you. I'm here to stop that and make sure you get your shit together. And you better get it together soon because I want to go home as soon as possible. You need to chill it." 

He was still breathing heavily, as he said, "I don't want you here. I don't like you. Why should I trust you? You don't know anything about me, I don't know anything about you. You just popped up in my office one day and what? Suddenly, everyone is treating you like Superwoman!"

Every time she tried to get a word out, he would interrupt her and continue about how she's not that special and how anyone can do her job. "Apparently not," she spat back, "because as far as I'm concerned, you've gone through eleven assistants!"

He was about to argue again, when she finally just said, "No! Shut up and listen!" Carlton looked brought back and was stunned into silence. Cassie continued, "This is my job. Deal with it. I'm here. Deal with it. I am going to be telling you what to do, when you need to do it, and how you need to do it. Deal. With. It. You are not my boss. My boss is a seven and a half hour flight away who, if I called right now, could get me home with a snap of his fingers. I am staying, Mr. Prime Minister, wether you like it or not! And you're the one fighting women's rights, so why in the hell do you care if they work for you?!"

Carlton sat back in his chair with a stern look on his face. His eyes that were staring deeply into hers started to wander slowly down her black blouse and short pencil skirt, until he went back up and reached her eyes again. "Not women, Ms. Hansen," he told her. "Just you.

Well then, she scoffed to herself, fuck you, too. "Right," she breathed out. "I'm going home. You have my number. If you need me, call me." As she was walking out of his office, he told her, "I won't ever need you." She smiled to herself and said, "We'll just see about that." 

The hate between the two was unbelievable. Of course, that didn't stop Carlton from staring at her ass as she walked out, nor did it stop Cassie from checking him out as she walked past his office to leave. She can see their relationship just going further down the abyss.  

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