You're the Only One

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It was a quiet and intense car ride back. Carlton and Cassie hadn't spoken to each other since their conversation on the London Eye. Carlton pretended to be the dotting boyfriend and father-to-be in front of the President, but once they got in their separate cars, he and Cassie sat as far away from each other as possible.

Thanks to her hormones, Cassie was practically in tears. Carlton had to understand. He knows what it's like to risk something for a career and this was incredibly important to her! The first ever female Chief of Staff. How could she pass that up? How could she pass up pissing off the republicans like that?

When she was able to, as they were walking to the cars (and as Carlton was distracted with a conversation with the First Lady), she got a word in with the President and told him that she was accepting his proposition. He was beyond thrilled and said he'd make the announcement next week.

She has to prepare a speech and prepare for a whole lot of fire coming at her. But she knew this would all be completely and totally worth it. She was very excited to get started, but whenever she glanced over at Carlton, that excitement died a bit.

She didn't want to leave him, of course not! She loves him and he's the father of her child, but why should she give up her career so he can keep his? It didn't seem fair at all. She won't let this cancer, nor this baby, nor Carlton hold her back. She refuses.

The car stopped in front the house and Carlton got out on one side and Cassie on the other. He gave his small waves to the photographers, then made his way inside behind Cassie. Jacob was there to greet them, but noticed they weren't being the happy couple they usually were.

"Mr. Prime Minister, Ms. Hansen," he greeted. "How was today?" Cassie gave him a kind smile and said, "It was great. I'm just going to go ahead and head upstairs. Excuse me." She walked past him and he watched curiously as she practically slumped her way down the halls.

Jacob then turned to Carlton who was just giving his trench coat to one of the staff. "What was that all about?" He asked. Carlton didn't acknowledge him, but started peeling off his gloves. He handed those to the same staff member, then said, "She's taking the job."

With that, he started walking down the halls and towards the stairs. He walked into the bedroom and saw Cassie digging through the drawers to collect some PJs. With a sigh, he shut the door and sat down on the bed.

He bent down and pulled off his shoes and socks, then pulled over his sweater along with his t-shirt. Just as he was scooting back on to the bed, he caught Cassie packing up her toothbrush and other bathroom items.

She came out and immediately started heading for the door. "Where are you going?" Carlton asked. Cassie stopped and turned to him, but nearly dropped her things from the sight of him. No shirt, ripped muscles, blue jeans, boxers peeking out, and leaning back against his hands like he's some sort of sex God...which he kind of is.

While keeping her composure, she told him, "Another one of the hundreds of rooms here. I think we both need some time." Before she could reach the handle, Carlton quickly sprang up and took her hand.

"You are not leaving," he told her. She took her hand out of his and harshly asked, "Why shouldn't I?" Carlton looked at her in bewilderment. She was awfully snappy this evening, but he only assumed it was the hormones.

But boy was he wrong.

"This is my job, Carlton, okay?" She said a little louder than necessary. "How would you feel if I asked you to resign your job as the Prime Minister and come live with me in Washington? Huh? How would that work out for you?"

He was afraid to answer, but ended up saying, "It wouldn't work." She scoffed and told him, "Exactly! So, I'm just going to...I'm just going to go." She got the door open and started walking out, but Carlton grabbed her by the waist with one arm and pulled her back in, while he shut the door with the other.

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