To Be or Not to Be the Prime Minister

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"Christ, this was supposed to end three hours ago," Carlton whined as Carly re-filled his coffee. He was sitting in his office, his white button down hanging halfway open, his black slacks unbuttoned under his desk. He was freshly showered with his wet locks dripping down the back of his neck. 

Or maybe that was just sweat. 

"Those pricks think they can take however long they want because they have complete control over you now," Jacob angrily explained. "Though, I'm sure they're taking you not running for re-election into consideration." 

Carlton rolled his eyes, then said, "I have a family to take care of, Jacob. I'm already going to be missing two years of my daughter's life, I don't need to miss another four. Maybe I won't have to miss anything she does if this thing goes the way I think it is." 

Jacob let out an annoyed sigh. "Now is not the time for that," he said. "We can't afford to think about that stuff." Carlton turned his head to him and slowly stood up. Jacob could already see where this was going and he immediately regretted it. 

"That stuff, Jacob, is my daughter!" He yelled. "My child! I told you that if you ever said something like that about my family again, you would be fired. Did I not?" Jacob looked at Carlton in a bit of shock, then started laughing nervously. 

"Sir," he chuckled, "you''re not really going to..." He trailed off when he saw the looked in his Prime Minister's eyes. "Benedict...please," he begged. "You can't just fire me! We've been working together for six years!" 

Carlton sat back down in his chair and picked up his coffee mug. I sipped at it without saying a word. After a few moments, he told Jacob, "I'm tired of giving you second and third chances. You don't approve of me being with Cassie, fine. You don't approve of us having a baby, fine. But you do not go insulting them, thinking you have some sort of immunity because we've been working together for six years."

Jacob looked down to the floor. In a soft voice, he said, "Mr. Prime Minister, I am--." Carlton interrupted, "I expect you to be out within the next hour." Jacob was dumbfounded. Carlton just fired him. This wasn't a threat or a warning. He is actually fired. 

The rest of the staff that was in the room, anxiously awaiting the results, was staring at Jacob. He gulped and looked around. When he looked to Carlton, he was greeted with no eye contact and no words. 

Without saying anything, he made his exit out of the office. 

Carlton sat back in his chair, then picked up his office phone and dialed a number. "You haven't said a word and I already know you're tired," he said into the phone. He smiled when he heard Cassie's voice say, "Fuck off."

He chuckled, then said, "I fired Jacob." He finished off his coffee, then set it down. Carly was over in a flash to re-fill it. "What? Why? What happened?" He took his re-filled mug and said, "He was insulting our daughter. I don't take that lightly. Anyways, I did warn him several times."

"Daddy is being awfully protective, Ruby," heard her say to her stomach. "Be careful which boys you bring home." Carlton laughed, "Boys? What boys? I'll send her to become a nun before that happens." Cassie laughed, "As much as I would love to continue this conversation, I am exhausted. The nurses just gave me sleeping pills."

"So you won't be watching the results then," he said. She sighed, "I'll try, but they're taking forever." Carlton hummed and sipped his coffee. "Any idea why?" He asked. She was stupidly smart when it came to this stuff and he really wanted to know why this was taking so long. 

"It's a power play," she explained. "It took them fourteen hours to figure out Clinton's impeachment. They say they'll have the vote by ten this morning, but they may not say it until ten tomorrow morning. Honestly, they probably have the results already." 

Carlton shook his head and muttered, "Wankers," into his mug. "Don't worry about it too much," she assured. "I know it's nerve wracking, but you can still finish off your term if they impeach you. If they decide to not remove you, that is. That would be bad."

He sighed and told her, "Yeah, it would be. Well, try and get some sleep. If you see the results, call me. I may need your comfort either way." He chuckled when she said, "I will do my best to watch it. We love you, Carlton."

"I love you both," he told her, before hanging up and putting his attention back on to the T.V.. Suddenly, one of Carlton's staff members muttered, "Come on, you two faced sons of--." Carly snapped her fingers and hissed, "Hey!"

"Well, they need to hurry up!" Another one exclaimed. Carlton smirked at how dedicated his staff was now that he's not so much of an asshole anymore. "And it looks like the results are in," the T.V. broadcaster announced. 

Everyone in the room sat up a little straighter, including Carlton. This was it. 

"And it looks like our Prime Minister is...not impeached!" They happily announced. The entire room bursted into cheers, as did outside the office. Carlton remained in chair, letting the shock settle in. He didn't think he cared...but he did. 

He wants to stay Prime Minister. As much as he wants to see Cassie every minute he can and as much as he wants to know his little girl when the time comes...he wants to stay Prime Minister. And he is. 

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