The Unexpected

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"Oh, good God, I hate planes," Cassie groaned as she stretched out in front of the plane's door. She's never been so grateful to be on ground in her life! She never gets plane sickness, but combining that with the pregnancy, she was running to the Air Force One toilets every five minutes.

The First Lady obviously knew what was going on, but the President only thought it was the chemotherapy. He eventually put his Harvard mind to thought and knew that one chemo session couldn't make her vomit as much as she was.

Well, she eventually told him the truth and needless to say, he was incredibly shocked. After he got over the shock, he told her that he and his team would keep it under wraps for as long as they could and would collaborate with the Prime Minister's team once she tells him.

"Well, you've got four days without one," the President teased. Cassie rolled her eyes at him and said, "I can live the rest of my life without any of them, thank you very much." She waited behind him and the First Lady as the plane door opened.

There was obviously a crowd waiting for them below, but what wasn't obvious for Cassie was who was waiting below. As soon as the President and the First Lady got down the steps enough to where she could see, her heart nearly stopped.

Standing at the end of a red carpet, was the most handsome looking man in the entire world, looking incredibly sharp and sexy and his black suit and blue tie and white shirt that was straining at the buttons, all under a long black trench coat. She thought she might swoon from arousal and shock. Plus, her hormones were really kicking her ass and they were telling her to fuck him for being so sexy, but also beat him for not telling her he was going to meet them on the tarmac.

She continued down the stairs without tripping or making a fool out of herself and followed closely behind the President as they went down the carpet. Her boyfriend might be a leader, too, but this was her job and she had to remain matter how badly she wanted to rip his clothes off.

"Mr. President," Carlton greeted with a deep voice and a firm handshake. "Congratulations on your second term. I look forward to keep our two great countries working together." He then turned to the First Lady and said, "And Mrs. Obama, a pleasure as always." He lightly kissed her hand and gave them his most charming smile.

"It's great to see you again, Carlton," the President said, while patting him on the back. "Hope we're not doing too much business this week," he joked. Carlton laughed and said, "No, sir, I've made sure to keep it to a minimum so you'll enjoy your stay a bit more."

They chatted for a few more minutes, while slowly walking to their cars. The First Lady had put an arm around Cassie and leaned into her ear and scoffed, "Boys." They both laughed and continued walking. Once Carlton got the President to his car, he said, "This car will take you to your hotel and whenever you're ready, it will take you to Downing Street where we will have dinner and try not to work."

He and the President laughed and shared a manly (almost brotherly) handshake. "We'll see you there," the President laughed. As he was getting into the car, he said, "Oh, and uh, feel free to take her with you."

He gestured to Cassie, who was standing awkwardly by the car. Carlton smiled at her and said, "Gladly." He stuck out his arm to her and said, "This way, Ms. Hansen." She returned his smile and hooked her hand through his elbow.

He walked them slowly to the other car without a word, but waved to a few people who were cheering for him. Once they got to the car, he opened the door for her and she slid in with him behind her. As soon as he shut the door, he started to roll up the window between them and the driver.

At the exact same time, once the window rolled up, the both looked at each other for a second, then crashed their lips together. Carlton wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him until there wasn't any space between them.

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