We Can Get Through Anything

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Today was one of the busiest days Cassie has had so far. She had to get up by three, be to the White House by five, and be in a meeting at the Oval Office for God knows how long. She had an appointment with Dr. Lowe at five in the afternoon and Carlton was due to land at around four.

They were going to find out the sex of Ruby today, plus to see how the cancer treatment is progressing. All-in-all, Cassie hopes everything turns out well. If it doesn't, she'll have Carlton with her until Tuesday to comfort her. He was only supposed to stay until Saturday, but yesterday he decided to extend it. Jacob was not pleased at all.

Ever since his speech, things have been going nowhere but down for him. He is the Prime Minister of England, yet he has a girlfriend who is diagnosed with stomach cancer and is having a baby with her out of wedlock. This did not go over well with Parliament.

Everyday, he is he prodded at and picked on for his choices and it's a miracle he hasn't lost his shit on them. He remains the way the people want to see him when he's in public, but one night Jacob had to call Cassie himself to get her to talk to him.

He had thrown a huge tantrum and destroyed several things in his office; including pictures, vases, and even his booze was thrown against the wall. He talked to her and actually started crying out of the frustration of it all.

It was two in the morning where she was, but she did all her tired and pregnant state could do to calm him down. They ended up talking until she needed to leave for work. Things haven't been better for him at all, but he's felt better about it since their talk.

Today, though, he insisted he's never felt better. During Cassie's lunch break, he had called her from the plane and wouldn't stop expressing how excited he was to find out if they were having a boy or a girl. It made Cassie smile to hear him so happy.

Her meeting in the Oval Office lasted until she had to leave. She made a small gesture to the President to inform him she had to leave and he walked her out of the office. He told her to let him and Michelle know right away if it was a boy or a girl and she promised she would text him.

The drive to the hospital almost took an hour because of traffic. She ended up getting there right at five and was immediately escorted into the back. She sent a quick text to Carlton to let him know she was already there and getting prepped.

As she was staring up at the ceiling, dressed in a hospital gown, with her stomach exposed and waiting for Dr. Lowe, she got a text back from him saying he was in the lobby. She smiled and practically squealed. It's been two weeks, but it feels like so much longer.

She got another text from him a moment later, warning her about all the reporters outside and how his team was finding a way to get them out of there discreetly when they leave. Even that news couldn't put a damper on her mood. She's had cameras shoved in her face more than usual for the past two weeks. They ask about the pregnancy, the cancer, her and Carlton's relationship, and her job. She just keeps her head high and charges on.

A moment later, she could hear rushing footsteps coming down the hall. When the door opened, she was greeted by the sight of Carlton, dressed in his usual suit attire and long trench coat, along with that million dollar smile that he only reserves for her.

"Well, look at you both," he said with a light laugh. He walked in and shut the door behind him before making himself over to his family. "Hello, sweetheart," he said, then planted a firm and passionate kiss to her lips.

When he pulled back, she ran her fingers through his hair and said, "I missed you way too much." He chuckled and told her, "I missed you, too. This has to have been the longest two weeks of my life. All the stress of work and worrying about you and Ruby. Speaking of whom..." He moved his head down to her stomach and kissed it.

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