The Old Carlton

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" look at me. Daddy's over here, sweetheart." Carlton waved at Dani from the web cam, but she was too distracted by her toy to care. Cassie lightly laughed and looked to Carlton. "Sorry, hun," she said. "Maybe tomorrow." 

Carlton sighed, then said, "Yeah, or maybe when you two finally move out here. I'm seriously going insane without you both. All I've been doing is work and meetings and things with the press. I keep waking up at three in the morning thinking Dani needs me, but when I realize she's half a world away, I can't go back to sleep. Besides, I'm used to have you wrapped up in my arms."

Cassie never thought she would ever see him like this. It was still all so new to her, the affection he showed. Clearly, becoming a father has improved his mood, but that doesn't make it any less...weird. Nevertheless, she found it absolutely adorable. And sad. 

"We'll be out there in a couple weeks," she assured him. "Just a little longer and we'll be with you. I think half of my stuff is already there." Carlton put his laptop over a few inches to show the boxes in his room. "You'll be moved in before you get here," he told you. 

"And the nursery is coming along well, I think you'll like it. Dani has the best crib anybody can afford, the sturdiest changing table and I've gotten her a trunk to put all of her toys. I even added a few more in there, though God knows she needs more." 

Cassie smiled and told him, "Well, I'm sure she will greatly appreciate it. I can't wait to be over there with you." He smiled warmly at her and said "Same here, love. How are you feeling?" She nodded and told him, "I'm okay. I stopped puking and the chemo is making me feel like absolute hell, but at least I'll be in remission soon." 

She was practically made out of cancer by now, but thankfully the chemo is helping that. Carlton left nearly a month ago. She was supposed to go up with him almost immediately after, but that took a giant step back when the cancer that was in her ovaries was now just in her body. She had to stay for treatment. 

So far, it's been working very well. 

"Good, I'm glad to hear that. I just constantly worry about you every single day. I know Johnny sees you and takes you to your appointments, but...bloody hell, I'm just waiting for a damn phone call in the middle of the night." He took a deep breath and shook his head. He gets himself way too worked up about her most of the time. 

She balanced Dani on her lap, as she leaned forward in her chair and said, "Stop worrying. I'm going to be fine, I promise. I know I look horrible now, but once I'm in remission, I'll eat junk food everyday and become fat. Okay?"

That got him to laugh a little bit. "Alright," he told her. "Well, it's getting pretty late here and I have a big meeting tomorrow with Parliament and the whole country. I'll call you after, alright?" Cassie nodded and told him, "Okay. I love you, Carlton."

Smiling, he told her, "I love you, too, future Carlton. And daddy loves you, pumpkin." Cassie brought Dani up to the screen. Finally, she noticed him and squealed in happiness. She pointed to the screen and clapped her hands. 

"Oh, now you notice me," he joked. "Come here, princess, give daddy a kiss." She put her hands on the computer screen, then gave it a sloppy kiss. He chuckled, then sadly sighed. "I miss you, baby girl. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye, love." 

Cassie waved to him, while saying to Dani, "Say bye to daddy." She did a typical baby wave and Carlton waved back, before signing off. Dani whimpered when Carlton's face disappeared and she looked to Cassie with a scrunched up face. 

"Oh, sweetie, I know," she gently cooed. "I miss daddy, too. I miss him so much." Dani started to cry a little so Cassie walked her into the bedroom and got her in bed, before handing her a framed picture she had of Ben on her nightstand. 

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