I Need You

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"I want her fired, I want her out of here, I want her gone!" Carlton has been in Jacob's office for only about a minute and he's already yelling about Cassie...again. "Benedict," Jacob sighed, "she's only been here for three days. You need to give her a chance." 

Carlton scoffed, "A chance? A chance?! You didn't see the way she came into my office only an hour ago, telling me what to do, how I need to change my bloody attitude, and then just walked out as if she was the bloody queen!" 

"Okay," Jacob started, "so, you mean to tell me that someone finally called you out on your shit and suggested you fix it? And it just so happened to be the woman who is making all our lives easier, even in just these three days? Have you noticed your life being easier, Ben? Cause I know it has. You are just afraid because that woman has more balls than any of us!" 

Carlton huffed and crossed his arms. "I don't like her," he stated. Jacob shrugged and said, "You don't have to. But you didn't deny that she makes your life easier. I know you have a lot more free time since she's rearranged your schedule. There are pictures of you and that Hiddleston character going into a strip club last night."

Carlton gave Jacob a double take. "A strip club?" He repeated with a laugh. "We didn't go to a strip club. It was a nightclub that had female dancers, yes, but you have to request them. We didn't. I wouldn't stoop that low." Jacob put up his hands in mock defense and said, "You're young, Benedict. I only assumed that would be your thing."

"Well it's not," Carlton snapped. "I haven't been in a stable relationship in years, but I want someone to share my life with if I ever do get into one again. I want a wife, kids...I haven't had a family of my own in twenty years, so it makes sense. 

Jacob looked at Carlton, while nodding his head in understanding. He rarely got to see this side of him, so it was quite exciting to know he was human. Nevertheless, this issue with Cassie wasn't going to go away. 

"I think you do like her," Jacob told him. "But I think you like her in more ways than one." He got another double take from Carlton, but with a laugh this time. "Oh, please! Are you saying I have a crush on her? Seriously? That's completely pathetic! Granted, she does have the greatest ass I've seen in a long time, but that's not the reason! I'm a grown man, if I had a schoolboy crush on her, then I would ask her out!"

"Then why don't you?" Jacob asked, finding his waffling incredibly amusing. Carlton when on for another few minutes about how he would never like Cassie in that way, but then would steer off about her curves and eyes, and then go back to all her flaws. Jacob couldn't help the knowing smile on his face, as he watched Carlton storm out of his office.  


The next day, Cassie had to follow Carlton around to several meetings about this or that. She was actually surprised that he was listening to her today. Usually, when she tells him where he needs to be and how he should act, he throws at fit. 

This time, he shut up and listened! She didn't know why, but she didn't care. If he could stay like this for just the few more hours they had to be together, she would be internally grateful. Then, he can lock himself in his office or go out, while she peacefully finishes up some paperwork and goes home to curl up on the couch with a book. 

But...that wasn't going to happen. 

Carlton got slammed by the press from going out to a supposed strip club a couple nights ago, which lead to Parliament questioning his youth and maturity as Prime Minister. The way Carlton was denying it wasn't making the situation much better, either. 

He practically threw a tantrum in the press conference, basically showing everyone his true colors. After that, his twitter blew up with hate messages, telling him off in the worst ways, and even taking a jab at his love life and how it was no wonder he could never hold a relationship. 

This all happened in four hours. It was a natural disaster, but not the worst one Cassie has had to deal with. 

While Carlton and his office were working out some details on how to handle the situation, Cassie would bring him tea or coffee, anything to keep him calm. She hated the narcissistic asshole, but it was her job to keep him happy. 

After they hashed out some of the details, it was Cassie's turn to step in. His office learns how to tame the fire, but she is the one that has to put it out. This required her and Carlton to be alone in his office for however long it took to solve this. 

Of course, he didn't want to do that and he didn't want to do it that night, either. He explained that he would like a night to cool off before he's trapped in an office with the "she-devil". Cassie whole heartily agreed, saying she would rather not deal with "Satan himself". 

It was about two in the morning when her cell started to ring, dragging her out of her sleep. She answered with a mumbled, "Hello?" and got a sigh followed by a deep, velvet voice saying, "I need you." 

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