Grand Tour of London

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"Mmm, good morning, baby," Carlton whispered sleepily against Cassie's stomach. The sun wasn't even out yet, but he was awake and he couldn't talk to anyone besides his unborn child. Cassie had disturbed him from his sleep with her snores, but she did warn him that she has been snoring a lot since the pregnancy, so he couldn't entirely be upset about it. Besides, now he has this time to completely admire her bump.

 "I have been waiting so long for you, you know that?" He continued. He had gently rested his cheek against her stomach after slowly lifting her shirt just below her breasts and had his large hand splayed out against the side of her bump. 

He breathed a kiss to her stomach, then sighed contently. "I'm not going to leave you," he whispered. "I am going to be here for you every single day that I can. It's going to be hard, but I won't give up. Daddy loves you so much." 

He placed one more kiss over his unborn, then slowly got out of bed. He reached over the bed and put down Cassie's shirt, then pulled up the covers over her. He pecked a small kiss to her head, then grabbed his robe and wrapped himself in it. He figured if he wasn't going to get any sleep, then he might as well get some work done. 

Quietly, he exited the room and went downstairs to his office. He stopped in front of his door when he saw the light from the room illuminating from underneath the door. He furrowed his eyebrows and thought about how sure he was that he turned off the lights before the President came over. 

He opened up the door and let it push open until it hit the wall, causing Jacob to practically spring out of Carlton's chair. Carlton looked curiously at Jacob and asked, "What are you doing?" Jacob breathed out a nervous laugh and stuttered, "Ah, uh, nothing! Just making sure you have everything you need for your tour with the president today!"

Carlton didn't believe him. He put his hands into his robe pockets and slowly made his way over to the desk. Jacob looked like he wanted to cover up whatever it was he had out, but then looked as if he realized it was useless. 

Carlton got to his desk and stood next to Jacob. He looked down at the papers that were neatly lined up. He glanced over each one, until he realized what he was looking at. He picked up the first paper and read out loud, ""I sincerely apologize for my actions with the affair of President Obama's Chief of Staff, Cassandra Hansen. Her allegations of a pregnancy are true, but we are working on"...working on a paternity test?" 

He turned to Jacob and asked, "You really don't think this is my child?" Jacob put his hands up in mock surrender and said, "I'm just taking precautions. You know what happened last time." Carlton set down the statement and picked up the next piece of paper. 

"This is a DNA test," he stated. Jacob nodded and said, "Yes." Carlton glanced up at him and asked, "And?" Jacob sighed and told him, "We don't know. We haven't gotten a sample from her yet. We were going to use the dinner dishes, but they were washed before we could get to them."

Carlton sighed and set that paper down and noticed that the rest were Cassie's medical history. He ignored those and looked to Jacob. "Sir, I think you need to ask Cassie for a proper paternity test. We cannot be sure." 

Ignoring him, Carlton picked up the statement he read before and looked it over. "I do not apologize for falling in love with President Obama's assistant. Her allegations on the pregnancy are true and I am the father." He looked up at Jacob with a dangerous glare. 

"I will not get a paternity test, I will not ask her," he practically growled. He pointed upwards and said loudly, "That woman up there is carrying my baby. She is not Scarlett, she did not cheat on me with some son of a bitch accountant from Pittsburg and she won't ever hurt me like that because I know her. I love her. I love my unborn child. And if you can't accept the fact that this is actually happening, then don't bother coming to work anymore because you'll be fired!" 

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