Rescue My Heart

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Washington D.C.~1 Day Later

"Welcome back, Cassie!"

"Oh, hey, when did you get back?"

"Oh my God! We missed you! How are you?"

"Cassie! It's good to have you back! Mr. President will be very happy...finally!"

This was all Cassie heard as she walked down the halls of the White House the next morning. Everyone had been incredibly nice to her and welcomed her back with open arms. She was all smiles this morning because of this and because she was finally home.

Don't get her wrong, she enjoyed her time in London, but this was her home and she couldn't be happier to be back. She had her friends, her life, and her job back and that's all that matters.

As soon as she got in this morning, she immediately got to work. She made sure the President's breakfast was prepared, got all the files and documents he had to go over, looked over his schedule, and was ready to get the day started.

"The Eagle is flying," a voice said into her earpiece. She smiled and said back, "Roger that." She waited next to the President's desk and straightened up when the door started to open. He came in with a young woman, probably only a couple years younger than Cassie, looking like she was trying to memorize every word the President was saying to her.

When he looked up and saw Cassie, he stopped talking and gave her a huge grin. "Cassie!" He said cheerily with a slight laugh. He quickly crossed the room and gave her a hug. He pulled back and looked her over at arms length.

"We missed you here, kid," he told her. "You're looking good, glad they fed you over there." Cassie waved him off and blushed. He chuckled, then turned to the young woman. "Uh, Cassie, this is Hannah. She's been filling in for you since you've been away."

Cassie shook hands with Hannah and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope this was all good experience?" Hannah nodded enthusiastically and said, "Oh yes! It's been such a privilege! I can't wait to continue."

Cassie looked confused. "Uh, continue?" She asked, looking up to the President. He sighed and told her, "Yes, she's going to continue to replace you as my assistant." Cassie's heart dropped to her stomach. Why was this happening? What did this mean?

The President looked to Hannah and said, "Give us a moment, please." She nodded and quickly made her way out of the room, leaving him and Cassie alone. "Sit down, Cass," he said, while leading her over to the couch.

They both sat down and he immediately started, "Look, I have known you since you were just a college student. I have watched you grow into a fine young woman, one who is capable of any obstacle thrown her way. You've proven that with the Prime Minister."

She looked up at him, as he told her, "I've heard nothing but raving reviews about your time there and the way you handled him. And I've heard other things, as well." That's the reason, Cassie thought miserably to herself. It's because of Carlton and I's affair. I'm loosing my job over it!

"Besides that," he continued, "I heard they hired nearly twenty more staff members. And that speech you wrote from him was incredible. I never knew you could do that." Now Cassie really wasn't sure where this was going. "I'm sorry sir," she said, " I fired? Because that thing with Carlton wasn't anything, it was just--."

"Fired?" He laughed. "No, you're not fired. You're being promoted." She looked at him with her mouth hanging open. "Wh-why? To what?" Mr. President smiled and told her, "To my Campaign Manager." Okay, this was something else.

She smiled widely and tried to say something, but words failed! This was an incredible opportunity! "Sir...Mr. President...Barack...oh my God!" She hugged him tightly and he couldn't help but laugh. "Now, you're going to have a lot of work to do," he told her.

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