Dear Mr. President

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Dear Mr. President...

Cassie backspaced the words. 

Dear Mr. Barack Obama...

She backspaced those words, too, then typed in the previous one. "Dear Mr. President," she mumbled aloud as she typed, "I am writing this to tell you that I am no, that's stupid." She highlighted the text, then deleted it. 

She was currently trying to write her resignation letter and it was very difficult. Not only could she find the words to put down, but she couldn't find it in herself to just do it. This was one of the hardest things she's ever had to do. 

Just as she was about to start again, she heard Carlton and Dani come into the room. "Alright, alright," he said, "here's mummy. She's been fussy so I assume she wants you." Cassie held out her arms and took Dani into them. 

Dani immediately stopped fussing and eased into her mom's arms. Carlton let out a light laugh and shook his head. "I don't know how you do it," he said. She shrugged and said, "I'm a mom. It's just natural, I guess." 

Chuckling, he kissed her head, then looked to her computer. "Still at it?" He asked. She sighed and started bouncing Dani on her lap. "Yeah," she said. "I just can't come up with the right words. It's hard, you know?"

He rubbed her back and said, "I know. Honestly, you can't think too much on it. Just write it like you were telling him in person, only make it quick and to the point." She nodded and took a deep breath. 

With Dani in her lap, her arms on each side of her, she started typing. It only took a few seconds, but she put a period at the end and looked to Carlton for his approval. He nodded and told her, "Perfect. It's almost the exact wording to Nixon's resignation letter."

She hesitated for a moment, but she printed it out on the official White House paper. She looked at it once more, before folding it and sticking it in an envelope. "I need to give this to him myself," she said. "It wouldn't be right if I didn't."

Carlton nodded and told her, "You do whatever you need to do, love. In the meantime, I need to set you up for your chemo and make us all some lunch. Afterwards, we can all go to the White House and pay everyone a visit. Sound alright?"

She nodded, then stood up with Dani and followed Carlton into the bedroom. He set up the chemotherapy, set the needle in her arm, then left her and Dani to watch T.V. while he made them lunches. 

"What did Jacob say when you said you were extending your trip?" Cassie asked, after swallowing a bite of her sandwich. Carlton fed Dani a tiny piece of bread from his sandwich, then said, "He was livid, but he'll have to deal with it. Parliament is taking the piss like always, of course. Whatever. You are what I care about most right now." 

He took her hand and gave it a squeeze. "Anyways, we've got to get you focused on feeling better. I am here for all of that, sweetheart, I hope you know that." She gave his hand a squeeze as well and told him, "I do. Thank you, Carlton."

After about an hour, they were all dressed and ready to go. Since it was a nice day out, they decided to walk. Carlton put on a white t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and a flat cap. Cassie wore an overly sized sweatshirt to make it look like she had some weight on her. 

"If you start to get tired or feel sick, you let me know," Carlton told her. She didn't think that would happen, but she did start to get tired about halfway into their walk. She didn't tell Carlton that. 

When they got to the White House, she showed the security her badge and walked right in with Carlton and Dani in her stroller. As they walked by offices and rooms, Cassie was greeted with hugs and welcome backs. 

Michelle had caught wind of her being there and ran from one wing to the other just to say hello and give her a bone crushing hug. "The President will be thrilled!" She told Cassie. "He's been refusing to replace you. He can't wait until you're fully recovered and ready to come back."

Cassie gulped and gave her a small smile, while Carlton took her hand and let her squeeze it. They went up to the President's receptionist and she used the intercom to let him know she was here with the Prime Minister. 

The President opened the door to the office only a few seconds later with a wide smile on his face. He gave Cassie a hug and told her he loved her new haircut (which was shorter and spikier since she started a higher dose of chemo). 

After shaking Carlton's hand and congratulating them both on getting engaged, he looked to Dani and said, "And this must be Danielle. Hi there." He lightly tickled her stomach, making her gurgle a laugh. 

"Mr. President," Cassie said, brining his attention away from Dani, "would it be alright if I speak with you in private?" He nodded and led her into his office. Once he shut the door, he strode over to his desk and sat down. 

"What can I do for you, Cass? How's everything going?" She stood in front of his desk and started wringing her hands in nervousness. "Well, sir...I won't sugar coat it...I have stage four cancer. It''s everywhere."

The President slowly stood up with a worried expression on his face. "Oh my God," he said. "You're getting treatment, though." She nodded and said, "I am. Everyday. At the hospital and at home. I'm doing everything I can to stay with Carlton and Dani. All of this is the reason I need to give you this."

She pulled out a small envelope from her front sweater pocket and handed it to him. He eyed it curiously, then started to open it. "I want to give this to you in person," she told him as he took out the letter and opened it. 

Dear Mr. President, 

I hereby resign as the United States Chief of Staff. 

All the best, 

Cassandra L. Hansen

The President looked up at her. "You're sure?" He asked. With tears in her eyes, she nodded. "I don't want to," she told him, "but I have to. For Dani, for Carlton. For me." He nodded, then went up to her. He stuck out his hand and she took it. 

As he shook it, he told her, "I accept your resignation." They shook hands for another moment, before pulling away. "Thank you, Mr. President," she said, "for every opportunity you have ever given me. I won't forget it."

She took a deep breath to hold back her emotions, but once he brought her into a hug, she let the floodgates open. She was crying all over the President of the United States and he was comforting her. She apologized profusely for ruining his suit, but he joked that he could get as many replacements as he wanted. 

He walked her out of the office, where Carlton was holding Dani and waiting for Cassie. "If you need anything at all and I mean anything," the President told them, "do not hesitate to call me or Michelle. You'll also remain on the visitors list, so stop by anytime."

Cassie sniffled and nodded. "Thank you, Mr. President." Carlton put Dani back in her stroller, then took Cassie's hand and started walking down the many halls of the White House to leave. She reluctantly gave the security by the gate her staff badge and they gave her a visitor's badge.

As they were walking back to her place, Carlton noticed she was started to walk kind of funny; almost swaying. "Darling, you alright?" She nodded, then told him, "Just...a little tired." He quickly got her back to the house and made sure she went straight to bed. 

Once her head hit the pillow, she was out. 

Carlton took Dani and fed her a bottle, before setting her down for her own nap. Starting to get sleepy himself, Carlton went into the bedroom and got himself into bed with Cassie. He put his arms around her and held her close. 

Just as he was about to drift off, he heard her say, "Thank you for everything, Carlton." He placed a kiss on her head and said, "As I've said many times before, I will do anything for you." She snuggled up to him. "I love you," she said. 

He smiled and told her, "I love you, too, sweet girl." There was a moment of silence, before he continued, "Can I ask you something?" She nodded. He took a deep breath. "I know you just handed in your resignation and I understand of this is too soon, but I was might move to London with me."

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