Election Day

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"No, no, no, I need the numbers on Indiana! Where are we in Indiana?!" Cassie was running around the White House like a chicken with her head cut off! From the moment she got up from just two hours of sleep, to these last few minutes of the election, she's been running wild.

She got the numbers on Indiana and immediately threw them in the trash. "Who do we have?! Jesus, I feel like I'm just seeing the state being painted red!" She stormed into her office with several people behind her, looking through files, telling her multiple things at a time.

Oddly enough, she understood them all.

"Alright, I want to track all major states, you hear me? That means Florida, Virginia, Washington, California, you name it. What do we got so far?" She walked out of her office with the same people trailing behind her and saying, "We have Florida at thirty-seven percent and they have it at thirty-three." "Virginia is finalized as a tossup. We have forty-nine and they have forty-seven." "We have Washington by eight votes so far, polls close in ten minutes." "And California we have already won by seventeen votes."

Cassie stopped in her tracks in the middle of the hall and said, "Huh. That was easy. Okay," she started walking down the hall again, "keep me updated on Florida and Washington." She walked into the President's Office, where he and his team were watching the news. When he saw her walk in, he asked, "How is it?"

She looked at the T.V. and saw that the news wasn't updated in the polls yet, so she was happy to announce, "You have California and Washington, but closing in on Florida and Virginia is a tossup. So far so good, Mr. President."

She sat herself down on the couch and watched the news with the rest of them. There wasn't anything more she could do now except for wait. All the polls close in five minutes. It's completely up to America now.

They were in Chicago, the President's hometown, which is where he wanted to be in case he lost or in case he won. She had to leave very early this morning when he decided here is where he wanted to be. But riding in Air Force One made the journey comfortable enough.

They watched as numbers increased, decreased, tie, then eventually settle. Every state was a close one and Cassie had fear in her eyes every time she saw red on that T.V. screen. It's a horrible, nail biting process to go through. If he doesn't win, she won't have a job because it'll all be over. Also, no one will hire someone who was in charge of the President who lost's campaigns. It just doesn't happen.

But her main focus was him winning his second term. Nothing else mattered in the world. Well, not until Dr. Lowe started calling her. She looked down at her phone and silenced it. She didn't need that distraction. But then he called again and again, to a point where Cassie was starting to think he did find something else wrong with her.

I can't answer it now, can't answer it now, she told herself. I need to focus on the fact that I am officially seeing more blue than red on the screen! One of the several people in the office turned up the volume and listened to the broadcaster say, "All the polls are officially closed. It is just a matter of counting the votes now."

Cassie took a deep breath and watched as each state turned red or blue. She thought there was more red because, but all that changed in just a blink of an eye. "What just happened there?" The President asked, as he pointed to New York and all the back east states.

Cassie stood up with a smile and said, "I believe you just won all of back east, Mr. President. And look," she pointed to the west. "California and Nevada are finalized. Oh my God...I think you just...I think you just won!"

They all looked down at the vote count at the bottom of the screen just as the broadcaster announced, "Your winner for the 2012 Presidential election...is Barack Obama with three hundred and thirty-two total electoral votes."

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