Treatment Week 1

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This was not where Cassie was expecting to be today. In a party, celebrating history? Yes. On a difficult to get comfortable on table with her shirt up to expose her pregnant belly? No. When she saw this day three months ago, she did not see this.

She got back in from Chicago just a few short hours ago and ran home for only a minute to change into a t-shirt and jeans. She was brought back almost right away and the nurse set up an ultrasound before lifting Cassie's shirt and saying Dr. Lowe would be here in just a few moments.

As she was still waiting, she checked her phone and saw a message from Johnny.

Call me. Now.

She didn't waste another second and called him. "Hey," he answered. Cassie responded, "Hey, what's up?" Johnny waited a moment, before saying, "Dad called again. He says he keeps trying to get a hold of you, but he can't."

Cassie scoffed, "Damn right, he can't. I blocked his number. If he were smart, he would call from someone else's phone, but smartness was never his best quality. What did he want?" As Johnny answered, "Believe it or not, he wants to see how you are," Dr. Lowe walked in. "I told him about the cancer and he hasn't stopped trying to call."

Cassie gave Dr. Lowe an apologetic wave and he waved her off and whispered that it was no problem. He gestured that he'd be right out the door and left to leave her with her conversation. "Well, I can't talk to him and I can't believe you of all people are. Need I remind you of what he did? Blamed you for mom's death, hit us, yelled at us...I can't, John."

"And I'm not asking you to," he told her. "I'm just letting you know. Besides, I just miss having a dad, you know?" Cassie sighed. "You never had a dad," she softly told him. "Neither did I because I can't remember what he was like before mom died. I'm not going to tell you to not speak with him, but I will tell you to be careful. Promise?"

He sighed and said, "Yeah. I promise. So, what are you up to?" She looked around the room as she said, "I'm actually at a doctor's appointment. I, uh...I got some news yesterday and they need to do a follow up."

"News?" He asked, as Dr. Lowe peaked his head in. Cassie nodded at him, as she said, "Yeah. I...I'm pregnant. I'm doing an ultrasound right now and we're going to figure out what we can do to treat the cancer without harming the baby."

Dr. Lowe smiled at her and started turning on the machine. "Pregnant?" Johnny gasped. "Wow, Cass...that's...that's good news, right?" She laughed and told him, "Yeah, it is. Now I just need to tell the father of the child and we'll see how things go from there."

She winced when Dr. Lowe squeezed some cold gel on her stomach. "The father? And who would that be? Dear God, tell me it isn't Thackery." Cassie giggled, "No, it's not. It's the guy I have been most recently seeing. You know who that it, don't kid me."

She heard Johnny hum in thought, before saying, "Holy shit. The Prime Minister of England knocked you up?!" Dr. Lowe started moving the wand around, as she said, "Apparently. I'm about to completely find out right now."

Her eyes were glued to the screen, as the wand stopped on at one part of her stomach. "Well, I'll let you go then--." Cassie quickly told him, "No! Please, John, stay on the phone? It's're the only one besides the First Lady that knows and if I'm completely honest, I am so scared right now."

Dr. Lowe gave her a sympathetic smile, before moving the wand around again. He stopped it again, then twisted and turned it. "Alright, Cassie," he said, "see that shape right here?" He outlined the jellybean shape with his finger. "That's your baby."

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