The Proposal

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As soon as Cassie got home, she tried to call Johnny. She wasn't surprised that he didn't answer because he was probably at work, but she felt like she really needed to talk to him after being reminded of her parents tonight. 

It wasn't Carlton's fault, he didn't know, but anything brought up with her parents, she didn't ever want to discuss it. The same went with Johnny because they made a deal a long time ago to never talk about it, unless they really needed to. Which, Cassie needed to right now. 

Michelle was still out and it's been almost an hour and a half since Cassie went home. She didn't mind being alone because that's what she kind of needs right now. As soon as she got home, she got out of her dress and into pajamas in preparation of her own party. 

She popped in one of her favorite horror movies, Halloween, before making some popcorn and grabbing some wine. She wrapped herself up in a sea of blankets and began the movie. She's seen it enough times to where she shouldn't really be scared...but she was. 

Just as young Michael Meyers was going for his first kill, there was a loud knock on the door. She jumped and half of her popcorn ended up on the floor. "Dammit," she grumbled. She started picking it up, until the knocks on her door started to get more persistent. 

She grunted and started walking to the door, while calling, "Coming!" The knocks kept getting louder, so she started jogging. What she opened up the door was really what she did not expect, nor what she needed at the moment. 

"Carlton," she sighed. "What are you doing here?" Though, she could answer that. He was drunk. She could tell because his tie was askew, his hair was a mess, and he had a bottle in his hand. 

He pointed a finger at her and slurred, "I nee'talk to you." Cassie started to quickly weigh her options for this situation. She could slam the door in his face and continue to hear him pound on the door, she could walk him back to the party, or she could let him in. 

Well, she didn't want anything to do with him right now, so she slammed the door in his face. 

As predicted, the knocking continued, but it stopped quicker than she anticipated. She shrugged it off and continued with her movie. Of course, as Michael Meyers was spotted standing by a hedge, there was a loud crash by her back door. Again, she jumped, but all of her popcorn was on the floor now. 

"Son of a bitch!" She grunted. She shot up from her couch and charged to the back door. She swung open the door and clearly surprised Carlton, who fell backwards on his ass. "What do you want, Carlton?" She sharply asked. 

He looked up at her from the ground and said, "I tol'you I 'ave to talk to you." Sighing, Cassie held out her hand to him. He took it and struggled to get up. When he eventually balanced himself, he followed Cassie inside. 

He watched as she went to her coffee machine and made two cups of coffee. He thanked her when she handed him one. "I don't want you talking, until you're somewhat sober," she told him. He nodded and started to drink his coffee. When he was done, she gave him a glass of water and some bread. 

He was sober enough in just a few minutes. Cassie led him into the living room, where she paused her movie and sat down on the couch. Carlton stood awkwardly in the room, until Cassie had offered him to sit. 

With alcohol still running in his system, he struggled to sit down properly, but ended up plopping down next to her. "Sorry," he mumbled. He moved himself up and little over from her. 

"Alright," Cassie sighed, "what did you want to talk about?" Carlton cleared his throat and looked around the room. When his eyes landed on the T.V., he asked, "What are you watching?" She hated how he was changing the subject, but she answered, "Halloween." 

He hummed, then told her, "I've never seen it." She shrugged and said, "Oh well." He kept staring at the paused scene where a girl was screaming. He then looked to Cassie. "I would like to see it." He was really testing her patients. 

"What did you want to talk about, Carlton?" She asked again. He whined, then let out a huge sigh. "Why did you leave me like that? I was actually having a decent time with you for once. I didn't want to, you know, strangle you or throw you out a window." 

Cassie hummed and nodded. "Wow, thank you," she told him full of sarcasm. "And for once, I didn't want to slap you across the face or kick you in the balls." He threw his hands up in the air and said, "See! We were doing fine! Then I fucked up with that question about your parents and I didn't know, how could I know--?"

"Carlton, calm down," she told him. "I told you it wasn't your fault. Whenever it does come up, I usually want some time to myself, which I was having up until you showed up drunk at my doorstep." She watched him as he sighed and threw his head down. 

"I keep fucking up," he grumbled. He took a deep breath and suddenly sat up straight. "Look," he said with too much enthusiasm in his voice, "I hate you, like really fucking hate you...but I don't want to hurt you. Not literally. So, I want propose an offer." 

Cassie raised her eyebrows and said, "I'm listening..." He gave her a devious smile and scooted closer to her. "I find you attractive," he told her, "and I know you find me attractive. I'm tired of getting hurt and so are you. Let's put those together and start something. No strings attached. Pure fun." 

Cassie looked at him with pursed lips and a wordless gaze. He couldn't tell if she was thinking about it or not, until she said, "Fuck buddies." Carlton thought for a moment, then said, "Yes. What do you think?" 

She took a deep breath and told him, "I need to get the hell out of my house." Carlton looked at her like she was crazy and scoffed, "Are you kidding me? Come on, we could both use a good hard shag!"

"You need to go, Carlton, you're drunk. I'll see you tomorrow." She stood up from the couch and started to walk to the door, until she was suddenly pulled back by her arm and into Carlton's broad chest. 

Like earlier tonight, his face was just inches from hers, except his breath didn't smell wreaked with alcohol. "Why do you have to be so fucking arrogant?" He growled. "You're here for only week and a half, so what's the harm in sex?" 

Cassie's breathing started getting heavy, but it wasn't because she was mad. It was because she was turned on and she hated him for that. Obviously, she really wanted this. Why wouldn't she? But she didn't want him to know this right now. She was going to play this out. 

"I'll think about it," was all she told him. 

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