One Month Later

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One Month Later ~ Democratic National Convention : Charlotte, North Carolina 

Cassie was holding her breath for his entire speech. It's been an incredibly stressful three days here, but this was the moment she had been waiting for because this was the moment. It was one of the biggest moments in the entire election because he is the nominee, this is his time. 

And it went perfectly. The speech was flawless, his approach was his usual, and his attack on the issues and endless promises was just what the people needed to hear. And oh boy, did they hear it. That's why every single person was on their feet clapping and cheering for him. 

This moment has never felt so good. 

There was a big celebration afterwards and people were congratulating, not only the President and Vice President, but Cassie as well. She's put nothing but her heart and soul into organizing their part of the DNC and looking over speeches, making sure everyone was happy, that the slogan would peak the people's interest, capture their attention. 

Forward. That's all it was. Forward. Because that's what this country was going to do and he would make damn sure of it. 

Cassie got pats on the back, kisses on the cheek...and even a kiss on the lips...from Dennis...her boyfriend. Dennis was apart of the campaign, as well and took an immediate liking to Cassie the first day she came back from London and was in the meeting. 

He was a very smart man, having had gone to Harvard to become a lawyer, but then made his way into politics. He was a tall, lanky man (nothing like Carlton), but had very nice facial features. His personality was kind of all over the place because sometimes he was funny, often times serious, but mostly didn't have any humor. 

Why Cassie had decided to go out with him will forever be her biggest regret. She needed to get Carlton out of her head, so she agreed to go out with Dennis when he asked her after their second meeting. She kept agreeing everyday after that, until he asked her to be his girlfriend just a few days ago. 

Dennis wasn't the ideal boyfriend. He tried to be romantic, but failed when he decided his phone calls were more important than sitting through a movie he had paid for, or finishing up his meal with his girlfriend in a restaurant. 

Not to mention, they haven't had sex yet. It was driving Cassie insane because the last person she slept with was Carlton and he was all she could feel inside her... 

But none of that mattered. Not tonight, anyways because she was celebrating and she deserved it. They all did. But this didn't mean she got to stop working because she was on a flight to New York in just eight hours. 

Everyone insisted she relax and let loose for the night, but she had to get back to her hotel to pack for New York. She meant to do it this morning, but there was an emergency script situation and she had to attend to that. 

She'll be in New York for 2 weeks, running campaign meetings, seeing which district is Pro-Obama and what-not. It's basically a research trip and she couldn't wait to get started. Dennis was going with her because he was on the campaign team and kept dropping hints about how they should get a room together. 

She kept telling him "no" because she needed to focus on work. Plus they weren't sleeping together, so what's the point? If she wants to keep her mind off Carlton, she needs to bury herself in this project without any distractions. She just prays to God that it works.



"Benedict, I know you've just got back, but--oh, Christ." Jacob sighed and threw down some papers. He had just come in to tell the Prime Minister about a trip he needs to go on in a couple days, only to find him splayed out on the couch with a bottle of empty scotch in his hand. 

This is how he's been all month. 

During his three week Asia trip, he had gotten a lot accomplished during the day, but had women throwing themselves at him from left and right at night. He didn't go out with any of them, didn't sleep with them either because he couldn't. 

Whenever he went out with another woman, he cut it short because Cassie invaded his every sense. If the woman he was with would laugh, he would hear Cassie's. If he thought of kissing any woman, he would feel Cassie's lips. If he thought of having sex with a woman...well, that was different. 

If he thought of sex, he could literally feel himself being buried inside of Cassie and how tight and perfect she was. He could feel her lips around him and the bobbing of her head. He could taste her sweet juices on his tongue. 

So, he started drinking. And he hasn't stopped since his first week in Asia. 

"Prime Minister, sir...I do strongly advise that you get sobered up before your flight. You leave for New York in three hours." Carlton groaned and slowly sat up, while holding on to his head. "What?" He grumbled. 

Jacob sighed and told him, "You're leaving for New York, so get up! Your things are already packed, so all you have to do is get up and get some coffee in you." Carlton got up on wobbly legs and ended up almost falling over, but balanced himself on the couch. 

As he was drunkly getting himself some coffee, Jacob told him, "You will be staying in the Plaza Hotel and I made you reservations at Per Se at seven o'clock tomorrow night. You will be meeting with Mayor Bloomberg and his wife. You will be accompanied by a lovely woman named Theresa. She will be your date for the night or however many nights you want."

"Oh, her I'm allowed to see," Carlton scoffed. Jacob ignored him and continued, "After that, you will be attending a few events for the next week, but Randall with be with you to tell you all about that." Carlton started to drink his coffee with one hand and unbuttoned his shirt with the other. 

He threw it on the couch and grabbed a fresh one from the wardrobe. It was times like this where he was grateful he had one in his office, so he didn't have to walk all the way up into his room. 

Once he got that sorted and put on his tie, he finished his coffee and grabbed another. "Before you leave, we need to do a quick debriefing of the Asia trip. Do you have any notes?" Carlton stumbled over to his desk and pulled out Cassie's notebook, now filled with his own notes along with hers. 

Jacob sighed when he saw the notebook. "You could get a new one," he suggested. Carlton gave him a sharp glare. "You would like that wouldn't you? Get rid of that and replace it with a new one. Fuck off, Jacob. Get out of here." 

He continued to glare at Jacob as he left with the notes, then Carlton plopped back down on to the couch. He poured himself what was left of his scotch, into his coffee. He put the cup up to his lips and murmured, "New York. What the fuck can be in New York?"

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