3 Weeks Later

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"I don't want you to leave," Cassie sighed. "It's been so amazing having you here." Carlton brushed her hair back and said, "I know, sweetheart. My plan was to stay until you were fully healed, but the impeachment hearing is tomorrow. As soon as things cool down, I'll come back."

Cassie smirked and told him, "No you won't because I won't let you. You have a country to run, Carlton, you can't keep trying to make excuses to come and see me." He scoffed and withdrew his hand from her hair. 

"Oh, so you and my daughter's lives are an excuse to see you?" He asked. "Cass, you were dying! You still are, until the rest gets out of your system!" She was about to say something, but he quickly stood up from sitting on her hospital bed and said, "Don't bother. I'll call you when I land." 

He started to walk out, but Cassie quickly sat up while saying, "Carlton, don't--ow! Shit!" She hissed and fell back into bed with her hand over her stomach. Carlton quickly turned around and was back at her side in a short second. 

"You're alright, baby, you're alright," he said in a voice that was a hundred times smoother than just a second ago. He back down next to her and lifted her shirt. Her stitches were due to come out this week, so luckily she didn't ruin them. 

Sighing, he put her shirt back down and looked at her as she said with a little pain in her voice, "Don't leave like this. Please. You know I can't stand it when you're mad." He shook his head and rolled his eyes. He's been especially snappy and sensitive lately because of all the stress he's been under. 

"I love you," she said. He huffed out a laugh and said, "I love you, too. I really need to go. I'll give you a call when I get in." He gave her a small kiss, then pressed a kiss to her stomach. She could see he was still a bit mad, but knew he'd get over it soon, and then call and apologize to her for being a dick. 


9 Hours Later

"Darling, I'm sorry for being a dick," Carlton sighed into the phone. "These past few weeks have been absolute hell and it's just...it's catching up to me." He rubbed his hand over his forehead and closed his eyes. "I know, Carlton," Cassie said over the phone. "I forgive you. Just promise me you will focus on the speech. Have you got anything yet?"

He chuckled and sat down in his chair at his desk. "No," he said, grabbing his glass of scotch, "I was hoping you might come up with something since your lazy arse has nothing else to do." He laughed to himself as she giggled, "Oh, really? Is that how you speak to the mother of your child?"

He smiled as he said, "No. You do enough, believe me. Hopefully I'll get to see you before my trip to the White House in a couple months, though. I have a feeling that's going to be quite difficult." He took a swig of his drink. "Don't worry about that. We'll figure it out. Look, I've got to get some sleep. The nurses keep waking me up to take sleeping pills."

Carlton chuckled, then said, "Alright. I'll call you tomorrow after the speech. I love you and I love our little Ruby." He could hear her smile as she said, "We love you, too, Carlton." She hung up and Carlton sighed. He put his phone on his desk and shook his head. 

He's been treating her horribly lately and feels terrible. He's been snappy and moody, almost like he's the pregnant one. But Cassie has been taking it like a champ, not arguing with him, not trying to start any fights, just listening to him as she lay her hospital bed. 

"Fucking hell, I'm a disgrace," he muttered. He put his hand over his forehead as there was a knock on his door. "Come in," he called. He didn't bother to look up when the door opened and asked, "What Jacob?"

He didn't get an answer, except for Jacob clearing his throat. Carlton looked up and saw him standing next to a very young, very attractive woman in one of the shortest skirts and tightest blouses he's ever seen. Who was she and why was he in his office?

"Who in the hell is this?" He sharply asked. Jacob stood up a little straighter and said, "Your new assistant. She's American, she's young, and she's smart. Just the way you like them, sir." Carlton was glaring daggers at him. 

It was silent, but then the young woman broke it by saying, "Mr. Prime Minister, my name is Carly and it is an honor to be here with you." Carlton ignored her and continued to stare at Jacob. "I need to speak with you alone," he said. 

Jacob quietly asked Carly to wait in the hall, then shut the door and walked up to Carlton's desk. He tried to explain, "Sir, you asked me to fire Randall, so I did--." Carlton put his hand up and he stopped talking. 

Carlton stood from his chair with his tumbler and slowly walked around the desk, past Jacob and to the table where his bottle of scotch was. He refilled his glass and turned around to face Jacob. He swirled the bronze liquid in his glass, then asked, "What are you doing?"

Jacob looked confused. "I'm sorry, sir?" He asked. Carlton started slowly walking up to him as he said, "You hired a very young, very attractive young woman to be my assistant. Why? Do you think I'll fuck her? Cheat on Cassie, ruin my future with my girlfriend and my baby? Is that your plan?"

Jacob let out a little laugh and stuttered, "B-Benedict, I assure you--." Carlton let out a heavy sigh and sternly said, "Don't start making excuses because I am already under enough stress from everything else in my life, I do not need you adding to it! She can stay until you find a reasonable replacement. Now, get out so I can work on this damn speech." 

He sat back down at his desk and got out his pen, opening the same notebook Cassie brought almost a year ago now. He started writing in it, ignoring Jacob's shocked and angry expression. Jacob turned to walk out, but then stopped and said, "I'll send Carly to check on you in an hour." 

He then walked out and left Carlton alone. Carlton tried to get rid of any thoughts of the past few weeks and zero in on his speech. He had twelve hours to write it, which seemed like all the time in the world, but it really wasn't. 

Throughout the course of the night, Carly came in to ask if he needed anything and he would occassinsaly ask for another scotch or something to eat, but other than that, he was completely zoned in. 

There were a couple times when he got writer's block and had to find inspiration, but always found it when he looked at the framed ultrasound picture of his daughter that resided on his desk. He smiled and continued his writing until the sun started to shine on his desk. 

He huffed out a sigh and got up to stretch. He thought of finishing off his untouched glass of scotch, but decided against it and walked out of his office with his notebook in hand. Carly was at her desk, trying to fight off falling asleep. 

"Go home," Carlton said as he slapped down the notebook at her desk, "but take that to Jacob first to get it typed up." She nodded and said, "Yes, sir," before getting up and heading to Jacob's office. Carlton took a deep breath, then went up to his room. 

He got dressed down and slid into bed, sighing in relief once he hit the mattress because he's been sleeping in hospital chairs for the past three weeks. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out like a light, dreaming the same dream about his daughter like he has been every night. 

It seemed only like a few minutes later when he woke up to his alarm. It was noon and his speech was at two o'clock. He wasn't ready for this. He didn't want to do this, shouldn't have to do this. Part of him wants it to be a success, but the other part wants him wants him to be impeached so he can move to D.C., be with Cassie through the rest of her pregnancy, then become a stay at home dad while she kicks ass at being Chief of Staff. 

That sounds like a dream. 

Carlton got himself ready and downstairs in an hour. He was handed his typed speech as he walked out the door. He got into the car with Jacob and was soon being driven to Parliament, where his entire life could change in just under an hour. 

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