My Girls

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"The soon-to-be appointed Chief of Staff of the United States of America, Cassandra Hansen, is recovering faster than anticipated, White House officials say. Hansen only got out of the surgery yesterday, but she is already out of ICU. Benedict Carlton, the Prime Minister of England and boyfriend of Hansen, as well as the father of her child, stated today, "My girls are doing wonderfully. Thank you for all your support and we will both get back to doing what we love for our countries in no time"."

Carlton shut off the T.V. and set the remote on the hospital bed next to Cassie. He let out a large sigh and took one of her hands in his, while the other moved carefully over her stomach. "You need to tell mummy to wake up," he said quietly. "Tell her she's been asleep for nearly two days now." 

He snickered when Cassie's heartbeat jumped at the sound of his voice. It always did. "I don't think the kid can hear you," Johnny said as he walked into the room with coffee. Carlton graciously accepted it. Johnny continued, "Maybe she should inform her dad that he has been awake for two days."

Carlton shrugged and said, "Maybe she should tell her uncle to stop giving her dad coffee every couple of hours." He took a sip of his coffee, then laughed with Johnny. The two had their own spots on each side of her bed; Johnny would sit on her right and Carlton on her left.

They hardly left their spots, especially Carlton. The only time he did was to go to the bathroom or to change. Michelle was kind enough to bring him his clothes from Cassie's place when she stopped by. The President was rumored to stop by once Cassie was awake and alert, but Carlton wasn't sure he wanted her getting anymore attention from the press than she already was.

Still, even he doesn't have the power to stop the President from visiting. 

After a few minutes of rubbing soft circles on her stomach, Carlton leaned back in his chair and opened up his book with one hand still holding Cassie's. He got about a quarter into the page when he started to nod off. 

He actually hasn't slept in two days. If he has, it's just been quick ten minute naps.

He eventually fell asleep with his chin on his chest, his book open on his stomach, and his hand now loosely in Cassie's. He was letting out soft snores as he fell deeper and deeper into his much needed sleep. 

Just a few moments later, he felt some pressure on his hand. In his state, he didn't think anything of it, just continued to dream. 

He dreamt about walking with Cassie in a park. They were holding hands as they strolled along a path and looked as happy as they could be. 

As they continued to walk, he felt his other hand being tugged. He looked over and saw the most beautiful little girl he's ever set his eyes on. He knew immediately who it was. His daughter, who couldn't be more than five, looked up at him with angelic blue eyes and the brightest smile he's ever seen. 

He let go of Cassie's hand and picked up their daughter. She squealed in laughter and he laughed right along with her. He took Cassie's hand back in his as their daughter snuggled up to him. He kissed her head, then looked over when he felt Cassie squeeze his hand. 

Carlton looked down at their hands and saw her grip getting tighter and tighter. "Cassie?" He asked. "What's wrong?" Suddenly, she started disappearing, but he could still feel her hand. "Cassie," he said, as she started to fade. "Cassie!" 

Suddenly, their daughter looked up at Cassie and shouted, "Mommy!" 

Carlton jolted awake with a ringing sound in his ears. His book dropped to the ground, causing Johnny to wake up from where he had fell asleep. Carlton put one of his hands to his face and took a deep breath. 

As he was trying to calm himself down, he almost thought he was still dreaming because he felt that pressure on his hand again. Slowly, he put his hand down from his face and looked to the one that was in Cassie's. 

He watched it carefully for a few moments...then saw her fingers twitch against his hand and start to lightly squeeze it. He quickly sat up and moved his chair closer to her bed. "Johnny," he called, while never taking his eyes off of her. 

Johnny, who was just about to continue to sleep, woke up and saw Carlton practically leaning over Cassie. He sat up from his seat and took Cassie's other hand. He immediately felt her squeeze it and he was now completely awake. 

"She's waking up," he said with a smile. Carlton huffed out a laugh and said, "She is. We should get a nurse." Before he could say anything, Johnny sprang up from his seat to go find one. Carlton got up from his seat and sat next to Cassie on the hospital bed. 

He cradled her hand in both of his and watched as her eyes started to slowly open. He smiled and blinked back his tears. "There's my girl," he softly said. Cassie's half open eyes went to his and the smallest smile came up on her lips. 

"H...Hi," she croaked, her throat dry from lack of water. Carlton smiled widely and brushed his hand back on her spiked hair. "Hi there, sleeping beauty," he said. "I'm so glad to see you finally awake." She very slowly put her hand up to his face and ran her fingers across his cheek. 

She then smiled and tried to say something, but ended up coughing. Ben looked back to the door to see if Johnny was back with the nurse yet and, as if right on cue, he came rushing in with one. She immediately came over to Cassie gave her a foam cup full of ice chips. 

"This is all she can have for the next few weeks," the nurse explained. Cassie quickly ate some of the ice chips and a look of relief washed over her face once the liquid hit her dry throat. Carlton looked to the nurse and asked, "But what about the baby? She needs fluids, vitamins, food..."

The nurse pointed to one of the I.V. bags and explained, "This one is going to the baby. She's getting all of that and more, Mr. Carlton." Carlton nodded to her and said, "Thank you. Where can we get more ice chips?"

Cassie was nearly done with this cup. The nurse smiled and said, "I'll be right back." As soon as she walked out, Johnny came up to the other side of the bed and sat down next to his sister. "Hey, sis," he said. Cassie smiled at him and said with a now clearer voice, "Hey, little bro. Did they get it all out?"

He took her hand and said, "Yeah. They said there's just a little more in there, but nothing a few weeks of chemo can't fix. You're going to be perfectly fine, alright?" She nodded and gave his hand a small squeeze. 

She then looked back to Ben and asked, "The baby?" He could see the fear in her eyes and despite him telling her the baby was fine when she was in ICU, he figured she might forget. 

He lightly put his hand over her stomach and said, "She's here, love." Cassie's eyes started flooding with tears and a smile was creeping up on her face. "Really?" She asked. Carlton nodded with a few tears going down his cheeks and said, "Really. You're both here. My girls." 

She held open her arms and he leaned down into them. Johnny was standing back and watching with an approving smile and teary eyes. A younger nurse came in with two foam cups of ice chips and stood next to him. 

Johnny looked over at her, then gave her a double take. She was beautiful with long brown hair, full lips. She was short, but he liked that. "Is that your family?" She sweetly asked. Johnny cleared his throat and said, "Y-Yeah. My sister, her boyfriend, and my niece, but she's not due for a few more months." 

She turned to him with a small smile and handed him the two cups of ice chips. "If you need anything else, my name is Sam and I'm going to be your sister's night nurse. Call me if you have any questions." Johnny nodded and watched as she walked out. 

In the meantime, Carlton had pulled back from the hug and tried to kiss Cassie, but she blocked him with her hand. "My breath probably reeks," she told him. Carlton took her hand from his lips, then leaned down and kissed her.

After a few moments, he pulled back and said, "You're right." That earned him a smack on the shoulder, but he still leaned down and kissed her again.  

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