New York, New York

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Well, at least I'm not paying for these, Cassie thought as she took out the miniature alcohol bottles from the mini fridge. She was staying at the Four Seasons with everything already paid for by the Campaign, except the room itself. Anything she decided to take out of the fridge or if she decided to eat in the hotel restaurant was free. 

She had just gotten in from the airport and was completely wiped out. She wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed and fall asleep for the next two weeks. It's moments like this when she wished she could sleep on a plane, but she'll handle it like she always does. 

Upon seeing the bed, Cassie smiled and fell face first into the comfy mattress. She sighed contently and was ready to fall asleep splayed out like she was. Of course, when she was getting into that stage where she was going into a deep sleep...there was a knock on her door. 

She whined into the crisp white sheets and hauled her exhausted form up from the bed. She trotted to the door and swung it open without even looking to see who it was. "Dennis," she sighed. "Look, I need to get my beauty sleep before I deal with anything right now okay?"

Dennis gave her a hum, then said, "Well, what about dinner with your boyfriend? Think you can deal with that?" His voice was playful, but a bit snooty. He was odd, this one. But either way, Cassie asked him, "What time?"

"Seven o'clock at Per Se. Wasn't an easy reservation because Mayor Bloomberg is going to be there, but my father made a few calls and got us in, so we have to go anyways." Cassie actually rolled her eyes at that. His father was the most successful lawyer in Boston and could get dinner at the White House if he wanted to by simply dropping his name. 

This was also a problem with Dennis, where he calls his father about everything. Can't get a job? No worries, his dad will make a call. Movie is all sold out? That's ridiculous because his dad just needs to call the theater and they'll make someone leave. 

Oh she hated it. He's never earned anything in his life, whereas she's been through hell and high water to get where she's at. But Dennis was undoubtedly hot and he was okay. She still regrets being in this relationship because of a certain reason, but whatever works. 

"Alright. Seven. Mayor Bloomberg. Just let me get a nap in or else I'm going to go insane." He gave her a peck on the lips, before going back to his own room and Cassie had her bed open, it waiting for her with open, white, fluffy , soft arms. 

This time, as soon as she face planted, she was out. 


"Oh good God, that's nice," Carlton groaned into the bed sheets. "I don't want to go anywhere for the next six months." As soon as he said that, Randall's voice called from the other side of his door, "Mr. Prime Minister, your reservations are in an hour!"

Carlton whined and brought up his head to slam it down into the bed. "Ms. Theresa will be here in about forty-five minutes," Randall continued. "Did you hear me, sir?" Carlton sighed and called back a little to harshly, "For God's sakes, yes I heard you!" 

He could hear Randall walking away and he sighed in relief. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Maybe I'll shack up with Theresa tonight. I've never met her, but my guess is she'll be in for a good shag with the Prime Minister. I have to get Cassie out of my head somehow. I have to force myself into sex. How pathetic. 

It was then that he slipped into a deep sleep...but was soon rudely awakened. "Randall, if you knock one more time, I swear on all that is holy--!" But he was interrupted, by someone saying, "It's Theresa, Benedict." Carlton lifted his head and quirked an eyebrow. That was quick, he thought. He then looked at the clock and saw that it had been an hour since he fell asleep. 

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