It's Us

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The next morning, Cassie woke up smiling because Carlton was plucking kisses over every inch of skin he could find. He only meant to breathe a soft kiss to her cheek before getting up, but then he ended up kissing down her jaw and neck, across her collarbone, and then finally ending at her stomach, but still placing sweet kisses around her bump. 

Carlton hummed in appreciation as he felt her soft hands run through his hair. He looked up at her and smiled at her sleepy eyes and mussed hair. "Morning, beautiful," he said. Cassie smiled and said, "Morning, handsome. Doing a little exploring this morning?" Carlton chuckled and nuzzled his face against her stomach. "Just saying morning to my girl and my baby. My family." 

He crawled up her body and and gave her a warm, good morning kiss on the lips. He eventually lay down on his side next to her and ran his hand over her stomach. "What's on your agenda today?" She asked. He took a deep breath, then told her, "You. Nothing but you and only you. I asked Jacob to clear my schedule for today and tomorrow so I can spend time with you and also so I can start on that speech that I have to give the day after tomorrow. Of course, I'll do that once you tire of me." 

Cassie wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him down to her. "Well, then I don't see that speech getting done anytime soon because I'm never going to tire of you. Not today, not tomorrow...not ever." Carlton welcomed her kiss, but was highly disappointed when she pulled away so quickly. 

It wasn't until he saw the look on her face that he realized why. "Bathroom now," he quickly told her. He hastily helped her get up, then rushed with her into the bathroom where she spilt her guts out into the toilet. As he held her cropped hair back, he painfully noticed some blood coming out with last night's dinner. 

"It's alright, darling. You're alright," he murmured into her hair. "We're not going anywhere today, not doing anything. It's just you and me, lounging around in our pajamas and me taking care of your every need." He felt her nod, but then listened as more contents spilled from her mouth. 

Eventually, everything stopped and she slowly took her head from the toilet. Carlton flushed the toilet, the blood swirling around the water, then quickly grabbed a cloth and put warm water on it. He wiped her eyes and cheeks, then her mouth and got another warm cloth and placed it on the back of her neck. "Alright, love?" He softly asked. "Need anything?"

She croaked out, "Water" and he was up and got that from the sink in a flash. He handed her the glass and she quickly drank from it. "Come on, let's get you into bed," he softly suggested. He helped her up off the floor, then slowly walked her over to the bed. Before she could lay down, he took the cloth from her neck, then placed it on her forehead. 

"I'm going to call Doctor Lowe," he told her. "I want to know if this is morning sickness or the cancer and I want to know if you spilling out that much blood is going to affect you or the baby. I'll be back, alright?" He placed a kiss on her cheek and threw on his robe before walking out of the bedroom. 

In the meantime, Cassie got up and went back into the bathroom to brush her teeth. When she got back into bed, she curled up under the covers and turned on the T.V. Of course, her and Carlton's faces were the first thing she saw. It was a news report about how their relationship was working and about her possible position as Chief of Staff and how it would affect them. 

She ignored it and changed the channel until she spotted a movie. She watched it for a little while, but then was disrupted when Carlton came back into the room. He shed his robe and got into bed with her. "What did he say?" Cassie asked as she was wrapped into his arms. 

Carlton placed a kiss on her head and told her, "It's most likely morning sickness and that the blood is just getting swept up from the cancer mass on the way up. He said it's nothing to worry about unless your only throwing up blood. In that case, he would want you home or in a hospital here immediately." Cassie nodded, but didn't say anything. She was just tired of all of this and wanted it to stop. 

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