Dining With the President

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"Do you know the sex?" Carlton called as he looked over the ultrasound pictures while Cassie was getting dressed in the bathroom. "No," she called back. "Not for another two weeks." Carlton hummed in disappointment. Cassie came out of the bathroom and went to go to her bags, but they weren't where she left them. 

"Where are my bags?" She asked. Carlton turned to face her and gestured to a door. "In the closet," he told her. "Your clothes are in the drawer, your jewelry is in that box over there, and your shoes are in the closet as well, along with your dresses."

Cassie gave him a small smile and watched as he turned back around and continued looking at the ultrasound pictures. She walked up beside him and put her hand on his shoulder. "Do you want to know the sex?" She asked. 

He looked at her with a small smirk and asked, "Do you?" She shrugged and told him, "Kind of. That way I know how to set up the nursery in my apartment." Carlton put his arms down to his side, shook his head and scoffed, "Your apartment. Your apartment that's well over three thousand miles away." 

Cassie closed her eyes and sighed. "Carlton, with my job, I can't just up and move." She opened them to see him looking down to the floor. He gave her a side glance and said in a low voice, "I don't want to know my child through bloody Skype." 

Again, Cassie sighed. This was not going to be an easy win for either of them. Not to mention, she still hasn't mentioned her promotion to him which will surely bring up some sort of heated argument. That's why she didn't want to bring it up now. Besides, she hasn't even made a decision, but she's pretty sure she knows what it is. 

"We'll talk about it later," she told him. "Right now, let's just focus on getting through this dinner. And I don't understand how I'm supposed to be the President's assistant and be shacking up with you at the same time." She walked over to the box that Carlton said her jewelry was in as he watched. 

"You're not," he told her. "I had a word with the President and he is flying out what's her face, the girl that replaced you, to assist him. I'm afraid you're all mine this week." Cassie was half way putting on her earrings when she looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. 

He gave her a smile and continued, "We planned it only yesterday, so quite last minute, but he understood." Cassie finished putting on her earrings and was looking at him like he was the most caring and beautiful man on this earth, which she would have detested to if this were six months ago. 

"Carlton...you didn't have to do that," she told him with a small smile. He walked over to her and put his arms around her waist, before gently pulling her to him. "I did," he told her. "And if I didn't, then I would have commanded it after finding out about the pregnancy. Of course, you know the President and I are taking the grand tour of London tomorrow. I still want you there, but with me."

Cassie bit her bottom lip and breathed out, "Okay." Carlton placed a kiss on her forehead and said, "Good. Also, the ball we're putting on for him does require me to have a date..." That made her laugh and whack his arm. "Obviously," she giggled. "Who might be the lucky lady you are taking?"

He hummed in thought and clicked his tongue. "Well, I was hoping it would be my saucy, sexy, pregnant girlfriend." Cassie hummed in thought just like he did and said, "I suppose she'll be free then."

Carlton ran his hand down her stomach and stared deeply into her eyes. He's never loved someone so much. He knows he's a dick and he knows he's going to fuck up somehow, but in this moment, it didn't matter. She had him wrapped around his finger and at this point, he would go to war with anyone who dared to insult or degrade their relationship.

"I'm trying," he suddenly whispered. Cassie pursed her lips and ran her hand down his cheek. "I know," she whispered back. She leaned up and kissed him lightly on the lips. When she pulled back, he got down on his knees and started kissing her stomach while she ran her fingers through his hair. 

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