Family Matters

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Carlton never thought himself to be the Prime Minister and master of changing his child's diaper. He's changed it almost every time in the past few days she's been home, but that's only because he wants to. He talks to her as he changes her, sometimes sings, he tickles her stomach and blows light raspberries, making her giggle. 

He has never been so happy and so in love. 

"Alright, girly," he said, as he picked her up after changing her latest diaper, "let's see what mummy's up to, yeah?" He walked downstairs and into the living room, where he saw Cassie watching T.V. on the  couch. She was under a blanket and curled up from the chilly October day. 

"Here she is," he told Dani, before placing a small kiss on her head. Cassie looked up from the T.V. and gave them both a small smile. "Hey, you two," she said, as she sat up on the couch. Carlton sat down and handed Dani to her. 

She held her close, then brought her under the blanket with her. She snuggled down on the couch and ran her hand over her daughter's baby soft head. Carlton watched this with sad eyes. He knew what she was thinking and he was thinking it, too.

"He won't come near you again," he promised. "I called Michelle and she informed the President of the situation, he's upping your's and Dani's security. Did you tell Johnny?" She nodded. "What...what letter did he try to give me?" She asked. 

"He said he sent me a letter, but that you must have thrown it out." Carlton sighed and shrugged. "I threw it out because you had just told me you were pregnant and you were going through dealing with the cancer," he explained. "I didn't want that prick putting anymore weight on your shoulders. I was going to tell you."

She looked down at Dani, as she asked, "Even when he visited me at the hospital?" Again, he sighed. "Johnny and I both made a promise not to tell you. Jesus, you and our daughter's lives were in danger! He was my very last concern." 

Cassie looked up at him. "Thank you," she told him. He gave her a double take. This was certainly shocking. She seemed like she was going to pick a fight with the questions, but it was the complete opposite. She continued, "I didn't need him mixed in with all of this. I don't want him in my life anymore."

Carlton scooted closer to her and put his arm around her shoulder. "He never will," he promised. "You and Dani are my everything. If he as so much thinks about you two, I will have him arrested. Maybe you should file for a restraining order. It would be easy enough to get, especially with your high status."

She nodded, then asked, "One for Dani, too? And Johnny." Carlton told her, "Of course. Consider it done. I'll make some phone calls, and then we can discuss happier matters." She quirked up a smile and asked, "What's that?"

He gave her a sounding kiss. "Our wedding," he said. "I know it might be a while until we actually do get married, but it won't hurt to plan, right?" She smiled and shook her head. "It won't hurt at all," she said. He gave her another kiss, then kissed Dani's head. 

"This little one can be the flower girl or ring bearer by the time we do, I'm sure," he said, as he ran his large thumb over her small, rosy cheeks. "Bloody hell, she's gorgeous," he muttered. "You're going to be a little heart breaker, aren't you? You're going to be just as beautiful and powerful as your mummy."

He kissed her head just one more time, before getting up and saying, "I'll make those calls."


Later that day, Carlton decided to get Cassie and Dani out of the house. They decided to take a walk around Dupont circle and to the White House, where one of the older security guards recognized Cassie and invited her to go inside. 

"Everyone is missing you, Ms. Hansen," he explained. "I'm sure the President would love to see you and your little one." Cassie smiled kindly at the man, but then said, "I would love to, but I don't want to mix work with our family day."

The older man smiled kindly and said, "I can understand that. You have a wonderful day, Ms. Hansen, Mr. Prime Minister." Carlton shook the man's hand and said, "Please, call me Ben and thank you." The couple walked off, while Carlton pushed the stroller. 

They ended up stopping for coffee and a quick bite, before continuing their walk. It was going very well, they weren't being bothered at all...until they spotted a man taking pictures on the other side of the street. 

"We've been spotted," Carlton muttered. Cassie sighed, then told him, "That's okay. I'm not feeling too well anyways." He looked at her curiously and asked, "You alright? What's wrong?" She shook her head and told him, "I think it might just be a cold."

He hummed in thought for a moment. It is cold season, but that didn't stop him from worrying. "Maybe we should take you to Doctor Lowe," he told her. "It's just...the last time you didn't feel well--."

"I ended up being pregnant," she told him, "but that's not possible." They stopped walking and he looked deep into her eyes. "That's not what I mean," he softly told her. "I know it's gone, but I'm still worried. You can't stop me from worrying and you can't stop me from taking you to Dr. Lowe." 

Once they got home, he called Dr. Lowe and got her an appointment for the next day. "I'm sure it's nothing," Cassie whispered, as she set Dani down in her crib. "I know," Carlton whispered back. "But you do know that the chemo increases your chance to get even more sick. I don't want to risk it."

She was almost done with her chemo, which meant the side effects were going to have an even bigger impact than before. Her hair is coming out again and her immune system is especially weak. "This will just give us both a peace of mind, I know it will," Carlton told her. 

She nodded and said, "Okay. But when he tells us it's just a cold, you owe me a drink in seven to eight weeks." Quietly chuckling, he told her, "Deal. I love you, Hansen." She leaned up and kissed him. "I love you, too, Carlton."

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