The Fall

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Carlton and Cassie walked into the bedroom feeling absolutely exhausted. An early morning mixed with stress and horrible news. Six to eight months to live. How is someone supposed to just accept that? Cassie was very clearly in shock, but Carlton was mad as all hell. 

As Cassie was getting into more comfortable clothes, Carlton stood with his back to her and his head hanging low. " can't leave me," he said. Cassie stopped changing and looked at him curiously. He turned to her with tears flooding his eyes. 

"You can't leave me here," he told her. "You can't leave Dani. Please, Cassie...don't." She walked up to him as his tears started to come down. She put her hands on his face and he completely lost it; breaking down into a sobbing mess. 

He and Cassie hugged and cried into each other's shoulders. 

"I don't want to leave you," she cried. "I want to watch Dani grow, I want to marry you...I want to live." Carlton hugged her tighter. "I can't bare the thought of living in this world without you," he told her. "I love you so much, Cassie. I love you so fucking much."

After a moment, he brought his head around and kissed her. He kissed her with everything he had and they ended up on the bed. Carlton was just shedding off his shirt and savoring the feeling of her hands running down his chest when something occurred to him. 

"It's been so long since we've done this," he told her. "Do you realize it's been nearly a year since we've had sex?" She let out a weak laugh. "How have you survived that long?" She asked. He kissed down her neck as he said, "Long and hard wanks in the shower. Sex was the last thing on my mind anyways. Dani, your health, my job it's all come first."

He went back to kissing her and eventually got her completely undressed. She was so fragile looking, so frail. He missed her plump tummy and thick thighs. It's one of the things that drove him insane. Even her curves were gone.

His eyes trailed over her body, and then up to her eyes. "Tell me to stop," he told her. "I don't want to hurt you." She put her hand over his cheek and said, "Don't stop. Please." She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him down on top of her. 

Very timidly, he moved his hand down between her legs and felt how wet she was. "How long has it been since you've been like this?" He asked, as he rubbed her exactly the way she likes. She sighed and moaned, then told him, "Too long."

He brought her in for a kiss and continued to tease her, until he couldn't take it anymore. It's been a year, he had to have her! The moment he slipped inside her, they both let out long moans. "I love you, baby," he panted, as he moved his hips. 

She gripped the small sweaty hairs on the back of his head and looked him in the eyes. "Don't let go of me, Carlton," she said. He held on to her as tightly as he thought her frail body could handle, then said, "Never. You're my love, you're my life. You are my everything, Hansen. Without you, I'm absolutely nothing. I'm worthless." 

He kissed her again, then started speeding up just a little bit. He continued to kiss her and invade her mouth with his tongue as he rocked into her. He could tell she was close because he knows the signs. 

One hand gripping his hair, the other raking down his back and the way she starts to shiver a bit. He held her even closer to him, then moved as fast he would allow himself to without hurting her. She broke the kiss and screamed out to the heavens and the gods. 

He's never heard something so beautiful and erotic and he ended up coming deep inside of her only a few short seconds later. He was careful not to slump on her by falling off to the side. They both lay on their backs, staring up at the ceiling panting and sweaty. 

Carlton took one of her hands and gave it a squeeze. "That," he hoarsely said, "was the best--." He stopped himself when he looked over and saw her sleeping. It never occurred to him how exhausted this would make her. She can hardly walk two steps without wanting to pass out.

He collected himself for a moment, then got up. He put the blankets over her naked body, then went to the bathroom. After that, he slipped on his jeans, then quietly padded out into the hall. It was only four o'clock, but he knew she would be out for the night. 

He made his way into Dani's room and saw her awake in her cot. "Hey there, pumpkin," he said, as he picked her up. "You have a good sleep? Hm? Did Jacob screw anything over while I was gone?" She looked at him with her thumb in her mouth. 

"It's not fair that I can't fire him, is it?" He asked. "If it were up to me, he would be out on his arse." He chuckled at himself, but then Dani put her hands over his mouth. She loves his laugh. He chuckled again and she clapped with a huge smile on her face. 

He smiled himself and looked over her. She looked so much like Cassie. Every detail screamed her mom. Her sandy hair, her nose, her rosy cheeks. She has his lips and eyes, but 98% of her was Cassie. He doesn't know how he's going to look at Dani if what the doctor said was true. 

Shaking that thought quickly away, he held his daughter close, then went downstairs. Of course,  it was an unusual sight for the Prime Minister to be walking around shirtless and smelling of sex, but he couldn't care less. 

He walked into his office for a moment, then went into the kitchen while Dani was snuggled up to his chest. He was starving and needed something to hold him over until dinner. The cooks and kitchen staff were beyond surprised to see shirtless Prime Minister Carlton walk in. 

He took some chips and cookies and water and whatever else he could carry in one hand. "You can't let me eat like this anymore," he told Dani as they walked out. "I need to start working out again, running, but things have just been so hectic. Maybe you and I can go for a run tomorrow?"

She just gave him a toothless grin and he smacked a kiss to her cheek. "I love you, baby girl," he told her. As he was walking them upstairs...he heard something. He stopped and listened, but didn't hear it again. So he continued up. 

It wasn't until he heard a huge crash! bang! thump! that he dropped the food from his one hand, held Dani extra close and started running up the stairs. "Cassie?" He called, as he quickly walked towards the bedroom door. "Cass!"

He opened the door and immediately shouted, "Jacob! Jacob!" Jacob ran quickly up the stairs and saw Carlton kneeling down next to Cassie's limp and naked body on the floor. Dani was crying her little heart out. 

As soon as Carlton saw him, he shouted, "Take Dani, call an ambulance now!" Jacob quickly took Dani and Carlton put his hand on her pulse. "There you are, baby, come on," he said, when he felt her pulse. 

She was on her front, but he carefully turned her over and tapped her cheek. "Cassie," he said. "Cassie. Baby, you've only fainted it's alright." He kept tapping her cheek, but she wasn't waking up. He stopped for a moment to think of what to do, but then she suddenly threw up. 

He quickly moved her to her side so she wouldn't choke and smoothed his hand over her bald head. He teared up at the sight of her, but coached her through it. "That's it, that's it," he encouraged. "Let it all out, love, it's alright." 

She coughed and struggled to breathe, but as soon as she could, she croaked out, "Ben!" He shushed her and said, "I'm right here, I'm right here." She took his hand in a death grip and started looking like she was in the worst pain of her life. 

"Ben, it hurts!" She cried. "It hurts so badly!" He let out a long sob from hearing and seeing this. "Baby, what hurts?" He asked through tears. She let out a long and painful groan through gritted teeth, before shouting, "Everything!" 

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