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Carlton shook his head at the latest news story that speculated about why Cassie and Dani came to London so early. This reporter was standing out in front of the Downing Street gate, telling viewers that it was because of Cassie's illness and that she was planning to "spend her last days with her family". 

"She missed me, you tossers," he grumbled. "Tell them, Dani." Dani looked up at him from where she was cuddled up against his bare chest and gave him a toothless grin. He smiled at her, then looked back to the T.V. 

After changing the channel to some children's show, he called, "Love, you alright in there?" A moment later, Cassie came out of the bathroom and let out a loud sigh. These have been a tough few weeks for her because of the extensive chemotherapy she's been doing. She's been going in so much, that her hair is completely gone and her immune system is at an all time low. 

This morning was her latest hour long trip to the bathroom so she could be sick.

Carlton opened his arm that wasn't holding Dani and wrapped it around her as she got into bed with them. He pressed a kiss to her head, then said, "I shouldn't be working too much today. I'll try and cut it short." She shook her head and told him, "Don't. Just do your job and try not to worry about me." 

He chuckled, "Well, that's damn near impossible. Just promise me you'll try and get some rest. I'll take Dani in the office with me so she won't bother you. Speaking of which, I should probably start getting dressed." 

After setting Dani down on the bed, he got up and headed straight for the shower. He was in and out in a few minutes, and then went into the closet and got out his suit. "You know, I'm starting to miss those "dad clothes" you got me," he told Cassie, as he put on his pants. 

Before he came to Washington the last time, she went out and got him some clothes that weren't suits and ties. She called them "dad clothes" because they would get completely ruined with baby vomit or baby food or anything else Dani could think of to throw at him. 

Cassie weakly smiled at him, then hoarsely said, "Maybe I can go out and--." She suddenly started coughing and Carlton made a b-line over to her. He helped her sit up and sat on the bed next to her. "Let it out, darling," he said.

She kept coughing and coughing, even when she started to spit out some blood. He quickly grabbed some tissues and wiped it from her chin and off of her shirt. When she eventually stopped, she laid back and had some trouble breathing.

"In and out, baby, just like we practiced," he told her. She usually went through this after a coughing fit. Once she started breathing normally, he went into the bathroom and dug around her basket of pills until he found the one he was searching for. 

He grabbed a glass of water and a couple of the pills, then went back into the room. He got her to take them before she could fall asleep, then sadly sighed as he watched her sleep. He ran his hand over her hair and kissed her forehead, before finishing getting ready. 

Instead of wearing his suit like he was intending, he put on a regular t-shirt and jeans. His dad clothes. After putting on some shoes, he picked up Dani, grabbed some of her toys and diapers, then headed downstairs to his office. 

"Alright, baby girl, daddy's got some work to do," he said, as he set Dani in her playpen. He set a few of her toys in there, then leaned down and placed a kiss on her head. He then went over to his desk and sat down, but as soon as he did, Dani started reaching out to him and whimpering. 

He pouted at her and said, "Play with your toys, pumpkin. I'll play with you in a bit." He started to look over some papers when Jacob walked in. Apparently, Carlton can't just fire him. It has to go through numerous people before it can be decided. Carlton was not happy about that. "Good morning, Mr. Prime Minister," he said. "And I see you invited a guest. Again."

Carlton saw him looking at Dani. "Cassie isn't feeling well, she needs rest and I don't want her worrying about Dani. Besides, I'm her father, I can watch over her." He flipped through some more papers, then glanced up at Jacob. He was staring at him.

"What?" He irritatingly asked. Jacob gestured to Carlton's clothes. Carlton looked down at himself. "No, I'm not wearing suit," he said. "I'm not meeting with anyone or going out." He continued to look at the papers when Dani started whimpering again. 

After letting out a small sigh, he got up and said, "Alright, munchkin, you win." He went over and picked her up, then brought her over to his desk. He set her on his lap as he sat down again. "Are you going to help me solve the country's problems?" He asked her. 

She gurgled a laugh and reached her little hand up and squeezed his nose. "Oi, sneaky girl," he chuckled. He got his nose out of her grip, but then he had his chin, and then mouth, and eventually his cheeks. 

"You know, sir," Jacob said, "we can hire a nanny within the hour." Carlton stopped his laughs and looked oddly at him. "What did you say?" He asked. "Are you suggesting I hand my daughter off to some stranger so they can raise them instead of me?"

Jacob cleared his throat, then said, "I'm merely suggesting that you find a solution for this...distraction." Carlton slowly stood while holding Dani in one arm. He walked around the desk and stopped in front of Jacob, who looked uncomfortable at this point. 

Carlton took a moment to settle Dani against his chest where she snuggled up to him, then looked back to Jacob. "This distraction, Jacob, is my daughter. She is my child, the only child I will ever have. I will be damned if she is raised away from me, from Cassie and in the hands of a stranger. I would much rather have her want my attention and "distract" me, than calling someone to take her away for a few hours."

He hugged Dani close to him. "I know you don't approve of Cassie and I's relationship, that much has been very clear. I know you don't approve of us having Dani, even having her out of wedlock, but you need to get your head out of your arse and accept it!"

Jacob jumped when Carlton shouted that last part. Carlton turned to his desk, but then quickly turned back to Jacob and said, "And if you ever speak of my daughter like that again, I will kick your arse. I know I keep threatening to do it, but so help me God, I will follow through this time. I may not be able to fire you, but I can do a lot of other things."

He went back to his desk and sat back down. As he bounced Dani, he glared at Jacob until he left the office. "That's right, baby, nobody talks about you like that," he said. He placed a kiss on her head, then sat her back in his lap and continued on with some work, where Dani was a very welcome distraction. 

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