The Speech Heard Around the World

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"Ladies and gentleman...," Carlton started as he stood in front of the people who once entrusted him with this job, and now want him fired. They were all staring at him with looks that could kill. The news cameras were rolling from every station in the UK and America. Carlton felt a drop of sweat rolling down the side of his head. 

After clearing his throat, he continued, "Ladies and gentleman. Everyone understands my reasoning of being here today, but in case some of you are unaware...I am currently in a relationship with Cassandra Hansen, the President's assistant and soon-to-be Chief of Staff. The affair started when she had travelled here to help assist me. I do admit that it was strictly an affair and we planned on it being nothing more. Fortunately, it did turn into that."

He looked up to see disapproving looks. "To most people, this seems like one of the greatest sins in the world, especially since Ms. Hansen and I are having a child out of wedlock. I do not regret our affairs, our relationship, nor the creation of our child. I do understand that my absence has been highly noted, but I come before you today to explain my actions in hopes you will understand."

"When I was just a teenager, I lost my family in an accident. I never thought I would get one back. But I have. Family values come first for me above all else. The woman I love is sick. She is very sick, she is dying. I am proud to say that the cancer she once had is gone, but there's still some left. I know there are so many of you out there that can relate to this experience when someone you love has this horrible sickness. It's an exhausting process, but it's necessary."

He wiped a stray tear from his eye. "My girlfriend and my daughter are the two most important people in the world to me. Yes, I have done my share of traveling to take care of them, but I'm only telling you that it will be a lot worse once our baby is born because I intend to go on paternity leave and I refuse to know her through bloody Skype. And, please, do not bother to say how Cassie should just quit her job and live with me here because I guarantee she will get her pregnant bottom up, come over here and slap you all silly. She nearly did that to me when I suggested it."

That got a few laughs in the room. "Despite my dedication to my family, I am still just as dedicated to my country as I was when you all first elected me. I still have my plans and I intend to follow through with them. I've got two years to go. Please, let's finish what we started. I can already tell you that...I will not be running for re-election. I'm sure many of you will be pleased to hear that."

There was a lot of murmuring in the room and Carlton couldn't help but feel a little nervous and relieved at the same time. Jacob is going to kill me, he thought to himself. "But I digress," he continued. "My impeachment will not do you any good. I have good ideas, fresh ideas and I plan to use them to build our country up even further than it is now. We're halfway there. Let's finish the rest together. I know some of you are still concerned about how some issues with my family will reflect me as a leader and I promise you, it is only making me stronger and wiser."

"I've always wanted to be a father and now I am going to be one in just six months time. The thought scares the hell out of me, but I am so excited and so anxious to meet my little girl. Already, I want to help and try to make the world a better place for her to come in to and grow up in. But I need your help to do that. Let me show you my determination, let me show you what I can do for, not only my family, but for yours as well. Since when has family values been an impeachable offense? I realize my leaving the country too often is a problem and it is one that can be fixed. Give me a slap on the wrist, not on my job. Thank you."

He started to step away as most of the room started to clap. 

Meanwhile, in D.C., Cassie was in tears as she watched him take his seat. She couldn't help but clap as she lay there in her hospital bed. 


Ben walked inside his room and shucked off all of his clothes. He was exhausted from today, but he knew he had to call Cassie before he goes to sleep. He picked up his phone and tossed himself on the bed as he listened to her line ring. 

"Hello, there, Mr. Prime Minister," her voice said through the phone. He smiled and said, "Hello, Ms. Chief of Staff. How are you feeling?" He got under the covers as she answered, "Better ever since I saw your speech. I stayed up to watch it and God, you were amazing! There's no way they can impeach you."

He smiled and said, "Well, that was the plan." "How did Jacob take the news of you not running for re-election?" He laughed, "Horribly! I thought he was going to have a bloody heart attack. Whatever. He doesn't have a wife and children to go home to. I do." 

"Well, you don't have a wife," she pointed out. He smiled and said, "No, I don't. Not yet, anyways. Listen, I'm going to get some sleep. I'm exhausted from staying up all night to write that bloody thing, then I have to get up early tomorrow to find out what the votes are going to be."

He sighed as she asked, "Are you nervous?" He chuckled and told her, "A bit, yeah. Either way, I win." He smiled when he heard her laugh. "Well, you certainly won tonight. They're calling your speech, "The Speech Heard Around the World". You made a serious impact, Carlton. You're going to keep your job, trust me." 

"Well, like I said," he yawed, "I win either way." He closed his eyes and snuggled into his pillow. "Well, I'll let you get some sleep. I love you, Carlton, we both do." A small smirk came up as he said, "I love my two favorite girls. Goodnight, love." 

He hung up and put his phone on his nightstand before clicking off his lamp. He hummed in pleasure when he got his covers up over his shoulders and got his head deep into the pillow. Tomorrow is going to be one hell of a ride. 

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