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Theodore's POV:

As I look at Katy blowing off her candles I can't stop the smile that stretches my face. This little girl means everything to me...
''Happy birthday to you angel!!'' I shout over the music.
She just runs to me and jumps on my back the way she usually does...

''Teddy, did you see my cake... It is so cute and pink and big and yummyyy!!! I just love it.. It is all mine no one is going to eat it. It is my cake.. It's so big..come come see it'' she says jumping up and down. It seems she is on a damn sugar rush!! Who the hell gave her all that sugar; now nothing will shut her up. Let's hope she gets tired by midnight because if she isn't asleep no one sleeps.

I left katy with her huge cake and gifts and went searching for mom. I found her in the kitchen with Ray trying to get everything ready at once but still stumbling over-herself. She was never that much coordinated after all.

''Hey mom, need any help?'' I ask entering the kitchen. All I get is a head shake while she is putting the cupcakes into the tray. Despite her refusal I still help her in stacking the plates and cups. Everyone in the family is coming over tonight to celebrate another year in the life of Katherine steel... everyone except the one person that Katy has been asking about alot lately. DAD.

I remember the first time she came home from school asking why she doesn't have a daddy. Just this question shattered my mom, because I knew she felt guilty for taking him away from her. That incident kept on happening alot until one day she just stopped asking after not getting an answer, all her friends were turning the absence of her father into a big deal that was starting to hurt her little innocent heart.

As I walked outside to place the plates on the table Katy came running towards me.
''Teddy, why does daddy hate me??'' She asked me with tears running down her cheeks.
''Angel, where is that coming from?'' I asked while trying to figure out what I am going to say next.
''All my friends in school have daddies that take care of them and love them, If he doesn't hate me then why isn't he here with me now??'' All I could do was stare at her grey eyes fill with tears as her heart broke more and more.

How could he not only break mom's heart but also little Katy's. I understand that he doesn't know about her existence but still if he didn't fuck up all those years ago she wouldn't be standing here looking so broken right now.

''Baby, just because he isn't here, it doesn't mean that he hates you. Do you want to know something about him?'' ''Really?? Daddy loves me??''She asks smiling so bright. ''Yes he does, Daddy's name is Christian and he loves you so much. Now enough with the tears we have a cake to cut and gifts to open. Let's go'' I say, while carrying her over my hip hoping to make her drop the subject before mom hears. I know this is hurting mom more than she shows. That man broke her but I am not going to let him hurt any of my girls anymore.

Thankfully, the day went by smoothly with no more drama. As innocent Kate forgot all about her missing father and focused on all the attention she was getting. If there is one thing this girl loves is getting the attention of everyone around her. Something we are all more than happy to provide her with.

Some say I am way over-protective with my girls but with everything that went down before, I am not ready to mend another broken heart. I will protect them from everything around; I just can't handle seeing tears in their eyes no matter what.

Phoebe and I fight about this every once and a while. She says that I am suffocating her; that she is old enough to do whatever she wants without her over bearing protective brother on her every move. But I just won't let some ass hurt her in any way possible knowing that I could have protected her. Especially with her bright blue eyes and brunette hair, she has grown up to be one hell of a beautiful girl but no matter what she will always be my baby.

Her passion for dancing and gymnastics also provided her with a body most girls would kill for. So protecting her from all the dicks around her who are just trying to get in her pants is the least I could do. No matter what no guy with brains would have the guts to come near her without risking his safety. My fists don't joke about my girl. After all, no one would challenge the star basket ball player of the school...


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