Baby steps

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Christian's POV:

I made a decision. One that no matter how hard I have to try, or how far I was pushed away I won't change my mind about. I am going to get my family back, every single one of them. I was a coward once when I gave up on them but being a coward is no longer a choice. I have neglected them for far too long and it's time for me to man up and face them.

I know it's not going to be easy. Hell Anna would probably kill me the first time she sees me but I will not give up. Christian Grey is back and he is not taking no for an answer.

With my newly found confidence and determination I decided to make my move. I headed towards Theodore's room because it's obvious that he was hurt deeply by my actions, he was hurt in more ways than one and it's time to make it up to him. I knocked on his door and walked in after he yelled "come in."

The first thing I noticed was that he was still laying on bed looking exhausted, I still don't understand what happened. The moment he saw me his calmness disappeared as he gruffly said "what the hell do you want?" His walls were back up and I started trying to claw my way in.

"I just came in to check on you. How are you feeling now?" I said still standing, I didn't want to sit down and force myself on him for he looked extremely uncomfortable in the moment.

"I am fine, no need to worry." He said while averting his eyes and staring at the wall. He surely isn't fine but is simply trying to hide it.
I decided to change the subject, hoping that that would calm him.

"I know that you are trying to protect your family but trust me I mean no harm." I said trying to assure him. I didn't let him speak as I went on. "I know that all I ever did was hurt them. But I'm going to try my best to make it all up to them. Katy may have missed a father for a great deal for her life and I don't want her to miss more." At this he cut me off. "She doesn't need you. None of us do so just stay away." He gritted out.

"I know that you don't need me or even want me in your life. But you said it yourself she has been asking a lot about her father now. I want to protect her from all the hurt she would feel as she grows up. I want to be there for her. I may have missed her first step or first word but I want to be there for the rest."

For the first time since I walked in he looked at me, and I mean looked. His eyes expressed every ounce of hesitation that passed through them. I needed him to be okay with me being close to them or else I wouldn't be able to get them back. So i decided to strike a deal with him, the language of business is my best choice.

"I know you don't trust me, and you have every right not to. But how about we strike a deal??" I stated waiting for his reaction. It was now or never. "What kind of deal?" He mumbled out as he looked away once again. "You will let me try to make it up for my girls by getting close to them. You will stay near at all times and I wouldn't do anything that you are not okay with. How about that?"

He was contemplating my words for a couple minutes while my nerves sky rocketed. What if he refuses and keeps them away from me. What if I already lost them for good.

He finally gave me his answer by hesitantly nodding. "Yeah, that seems good. But you are not allowed to overwhelm them. Don't even dare doing anything that they are uncomfortable with, specially with Phoebe You have hurt her more than enough. The moment I find out you hurt any of them, even if you didn't mean it consider this over. I would take them and walk away and you are not allowed to follow us. Okay?"

Well his words actually offended me, I can't believe this is my baby talking to me like this. My little Teddy just chastised me but I can't say no to him. I can't reject his wishes because he is simply trying to protect them. "Okay that's good. Looks like we have a deal." I said reaching over to seal the deal by a hand shake but he refused to take my hand. When I looked up at him he said "this is not one of your fucking business deals. " He snarled out.

How could I be so stupid. Off course they are not a business deal. These are my flesh and blood that I have lost for years and years now. This is the most important deal I ever made. So I pulled back my hand ashamed as I said "believe me I know that. These girls mean the world to me. I have been dead for years without you guys. You might not need me but I sure need you in my life."

My words seemed to shock him as he looked at me with pity in his eyes. Now that's a look I can't handle so I decided to walk out. "Good night and thank you for agreeing to this." I said while walking towards the door. "Good night." He mumbled as I closed the door.

Now I am one step closer to achieving my goal. I will get them back, that's a promise. I know for a fact that it's Theodore and Ana that's going to be the hardest to break. He got his stubbornness from his mother, but he definitely got my persistence and determination.

Hello everyone, hope you liked the chapter. Anyways I wanted to say sorry for the late update but I have alot going on right now. I am working on my senior project and searching for universities to apply to all over the world. So yeah my life is kind of hectic and I barely have time to scratch my head let alone write. I am going to try and update whenever I can, so just have some patience until I get through everything.

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