Running back Home

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Christian's POV:

I woke up when I felt someone shaking me slowly, it turned out to be Teddy. I was sleeping with my son in my arms on the piano stool where we spent in the night. "I'm sorry, looks like I fell asleep on you." He said sheepishly. I simply shook my head "don't worry, I slept as well." My whole body was aching as I stood up but I didn't care. This was a good kind of ache, the kind that comes from holding my son tightly all night long as he slept in my arms.

"I'm going to go back to sleep, on the bed this time." He said chuckling as we headed upstairs. "Okay, I want to get some work done before everyone wakes up, I will wake you up for breakfast later." He nodded his head as we both went back to our rooms.

I changed into my gym clothes knowing that Phoebe must be going for her run soon. I made my coffee and pulled out two water bottles and an apple as I waited for her. This run was our bonding time, the only time I get with her. I don't care how much my lungs burn after trying to keep up with her, as long as I am running with her it's all good.

I was almost done with my coffee when she came downstairs "good morning" i said surprising her apparently because she jumped up. "Sorry I didn't see you there. Morning" she mumbled as she came forward.

She was wearing a teeny-tiny short and shirt that I wasn't really happy with

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She was wearing a teeny-tiny short and shirt that I wasn't really happy with. I wanted to tell her to go back and change but I bit my tongue and held myself back. Now was not the time to create problems, besides it's hot outside and she is going for a run. I am glad that I am going with her and Taylor as well in case any douche tries to get close to her. No one is usually outside at this time anyways, I kept repeating that in my mind as I said: "Going for your run?" I asked despite knowing she nodded her head so I took the water bottles and handed her one "okay let's go" I said standing up. "Wait, what? You are coming as well?" She asked baffled.

"I told you yesterday that I would never let you go out for a run alone at this time. And I also run every morning so I wouldn't mind the company, unless you do" I said as I saw Taylor come in from the corner of my eye. She shook her head as she said "no off course not, it's just that- yeah okay no problem" she said as she started jogging once we passed the gate. I followed her and asked "do you usually run alone?? Or does someone go with you?" She looked pained as she said "I used to run with Ted every morning actually, it was our special time. But ever since the accident I've been running alone. It's nice to have company again"

"Well I am happy with the company as well, nothing beats a good run in the early morning

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"Well I am happy with the company as well, nothing beats a good run in the early morning." I said as I picked up speed to stay with her. With her age and fitness level that girl was so damn fast it was frustrating.

"Seems you can't keep up old man" she laughed as I stood beside her panting. "Yeah yeah, what are you the flash?" I asked trying hard to breath deeply. I looked behind me only to see Taylor in the same situation as me, trying hard to calm his breathing.

"Hahaaha well It started out with me running as fast as I can to get it done with, but then I guess it became a habit. "She said as she started flexing her muscles waiting for me to be able to start again. "What? Why did you have to run if you didn't like it?" I asked knowing that Ana wasn't one to force exercise on the kids if they don't want it.

"A 7 miles daily morning run is a rule that I was forced to follow since forever. It started as something I hated now it became a habit." She said nonchalantly as she went back to jogging.

"What rules?" I asked again, lost. "I told you I am a gymnast and it's not something to take easily. It's a sport that comes with tens of rules and regulations, our coach insists on a 7 miles run every single day." She said picking up speed.  "And by the way you can tell him to run with us he doesn't have to try to stay away, I already saw him since we left." She said motioning towards Taylor who was still trying to stay away from us in fear of overwhelming her. I chuckled and motioned for him to come closer "like mother like daughter." I muttered and they both laughed.

She ended up telling me all about herself, apparently her gymnastics wasn't something to take lightly. She was training for the national competition that will tale place in Denver in 20 days which is why she was worried about stopping her training. I told her about ordering all equipment she needed and she just laughed it off. "Yeah right." She said laughing until she saw my serious face. "You didn't" i nodded.

"Oh my god, this is crazy.. All the- my god- do you know how much these things cost?? All for a couple of days.. You're insane." She said as she stood there glaring at me, once again reminding me of her mother.

"I don't care how much they cost, you said you can't stop your training and if you are as serious about it as you just explained then I don't care. This will give you the chance to stay up to date with your routine while here, and I also talked to my coach and he said he can help you out. I know that he isn't a gymnast but he said that he is capable of helping you and if you feel that you need someone special then we will  find you a coach to come train you here." I saw her jaw drop as she looked at me surprised. "Close your mouth before you catch some flies. And yes I am not kidding, you deserve the best and nothing less. I will do anything to make you happy." I said sincerely and was shocked when she engulfed me in a tight hug.

The feeling of her arms around me made me feel alive once again, slowly my kids are all coming back to me.. Piece by piece I am putting my family together again.

"Come on now, let's go back before they wake up for breakfast." We both started running back HOME...

Yes you are not crazy, this is the second chapter in one night. A double update!! This is a first for me... I wrote two chapters within hours... But all your positive feedback on the previous chapter encouraged me to keep writing... Hope you enjoyed it, it shows how slowly the pieces of the puzzle are coming together again..

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