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Christian's POV:

I sat there staring at Ana as she sat with her head in her arms. My Ana looked so tired, as if she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. Oh how I wish I can hold her hand and help her, I hate seeing her like this.

I don't for how long we sat there just staring at each other in silence, until Elliot broke it "So? What did you decide?"

All heads turned to Ana once his words were out. "I...I don't know." She said. "I can't leave them here alone." She muttered. What the actual fuck. How can she say this. They are not going to be alone. "Ana what are you talking about. They are not going to be alone. We will take care of them, you don't have to worry about that." I said as softly as I could. There was no point in pissing her off now. "No, I know. That's not what I meant. It's just that I never left them alone." She replied making me sigh..

"I know that this is hard. But be sure that I will take care of them like they are mine. You don't have to worry about that." Kate said before I could say anything. Her words seemed to calm Ana for I could see her expression change. "Kate I can't. Teddy has already missed 3 appointments, he can't miss more." She said softly. Kate sighed and looked away as she said "actually he only missed 2." She whispered the words out that I barely heard them. "What?how? When?" Ana asked surprised. "The second day he was here. I took him to the doctor." Kate said looking at the floor. "And I am only hearing about this now because??.." Ana yelled out. What doctor are they talking about, I have never seen Ana this mad before.

"He made me promise not to say. I am sorry Ana. " kate said looking at Ana now. "What did he say?" She asked after some time. "There is a 60% progress" kate said as her eyes glazed over. "60% that's great. But why do you look like this?" She asked as Kate looked away. "Damn kate what did he say. Is my baby alright. Please you are scaring me." Ana said panicking. I wanted to punch kate right now for scaring my baby like this. Ana was panicking next to me while Kate looked away as a couple of tears ran down her cheeks. "He can't go back to the game. His progress is great but he won't be able to handle the pressure." Kate finally said.

I felt Ana stiffen next to me as tears stained her cheeks. "Oh my god. But they said it was possible." She said looking at kate again. "He said maybe in a couple of years but not now." Kate replied as she held Ana's hand. "But it would be too late." Ana replied solemnly. "I know." Was kate's reply. We sat there in silence as Ana's tears kept flowing down. "How did he take it?" Ana asked suddenly. Kate shrugged and said "At first he was shocked and devastated, that's all I know. But a couple of hours laters he was back to normal. Like nothing happened."

Was this the day he went away with kate and came back shattered. But it seems that the girls are speaking in code, I looked at my parents but they looked as lost as I was. "Fine, he looked just fine. How could he be fine. Oh my god I can't believe this. Everything he worked for is gone. How can he fine about it. He is probably bottling it up, he has a great control on his emotions. This can't be good. Did he tell you anything or talk to someone." Ana asked frantically. "No, I tried to make him talk but he shut himself in the room. Later that night he just blew up and started yelling." Kate suddenly went silent as she looked at me.

She is probably thinking about the time when he blew up in my face, screaming and shaking. I hate that I don't understand anything that they are talking about, but now isn't the time to ask. "And?? What happened Kate?" Ana said pulling me out of my thoughts. "He kind of had an episode, but I gave him his shot and he got better." Kate rapidly added she saw Ana's face darken. "What the hell Kate. I trusted you to take care of him. All this happens and you don't tell me. I trusted you." She gritted out.

Not good. Definitely not good. Now there is no way she would trust us with them. "Ana I am sorry but that's not something I could control. I didn't think that something like this would happen. And when he got better he begged me not to tell you, he said you would get worried for no reason while you were states away." Kate said. "Not worry? Kate are you even hearing yourself?" Ana said exasperated. "I am sorry Ana, but he made me promise and I didn't want to break his trust. The last thing he needs is more stress." Kate said as Ana looked at her. "Yeah I get it, sorry I over reacted but I can't imagine not being there for him, I can't fail him." She said shaking her head.

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