Like father like daughter

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Christian's POV:

An hour later we were all sitting in the car heading to the mall. It felt amazing to have everyone in the car, like a real family. For the first time in forever I was driving the SUV while my dear Ana sat next to me with our kids in the back seat. I made Taylor, Sawyer and the rest of the security team follow us in another car.

I was afraid that the kids would be scared from all the burly gunned men surrounding them so I told them to make sure that everyone was secure from a distance. I decided to take them to the restaurant first since none of them ate at breakfast with all the drama that was going on. "So what would you like to eat?" I asked breaking the silence that engulfed the car. No one answered my question making me scowl, I hate not being answered, Ana seemed to notice the shift in my mood because she jumped in and said "anything is fine". Well, I decided to take them to an italian restaurant because I am sure no one hates pasta and pizza and as I recall from old times both Teddy and Phoebe loved coming to this particular restaurant. Let's hope that they will remember it the same way I do.

The look on Theodore's face the moment we reached the restaurant told me that he remembered it, however Phoebe seemed neutral to it. "I hope you like pasta." I said as we walked in. The moment the hostess eyes landed on me she started batting her eyelashes and leaned her cleavage forwards making Ana stiffen beside me. What the actual fuck, can't she see me standing there with the most beautiful woman and kids. She is seriously a pathetic excuse for a human being. "Would you like a table or a booth sir?" She asked in a high pitched voice that almost made my ears bleed. "Booth." I said as I gave her a deadly stare hoping that she will get the message and back the fuck off. She seemed to be taken back by my tone as she lead us towards a booth at the end of the restaurant.

The moment she handed us the menus Ana hid behind hers so when the waiter came back to take out orders I was glad that she took her menu away. "So what do you think of Seattle so far?" I asked trying to start a conversation. "It's nice, alot different than Denver." Phoebe said as she put her phone away. Phoebe initiating a conversation with me now that's a first. "Really how so?" I asked trying to make her keep going.

"I don't know it feels different, more serious in a sense. I can't explain it, but I just feel like everything and everyone here is focused and serious all of the time. I like it." She said making me realize that she loved control, she loved everything being serious and in control just like me. Well it seems that despite having her mother's look this girl has my personality.
The simple conversation kept flowing until our food arrived and we dived in. I was happy to see them all eat.

"How long are we going to stay here?" Theodore suddenly asked as he pushed his half full plate away. He was looking at Me waiting for an answer, an answer that I couldn't give because if it was up to me I would make them stay forever. Ana seemed to notice my bewilderment and hesitation for she answered for me "as long as you want. But you have to come back a before school starts" she said sternly looking at all of them. Shit, school I totally forgot that they were on spring vacation and should be back for school. I was brought out my thoughts by Phoebe who said "I have 5 days maximum, I can't abandon my training for much longer." What the hell? What training? "What training?" I asked voicing my thoughts.. "Gymnastics, I am training for nationals" she said in a duh tone. Why the hell didn't I know this "can't you continue your training here for the time being?" I asked. "No, I can't go to any gym and traing because I can't risk my routine being stolen" she relied again "I have a huge gym in the house that I am sure can come in useful." I said glad to have found a solution so fast, or not by the look on her face as she said " I don't think that you have the equipment I need, a gymnastics gym is not like the normal one."  Well I can buy her whatever equipment she wants, I don't care "we can get whatever equipment you need and I have a personal trainer that can help you for the time being" I said smiling internally begging her to agree with me. A couple of seconds later she smiled and nodded her head as she said "yeah that would work out for now, we will see what happens." See my ass, I am buying her whatever shit she needs I will fucking buy her an entire gymnastics gym if that makes her stay longer. I won't let them slip away from me for petty reasons like these, not anymore.

Teddy looked at me and winked as he said "don't you think that all of us staying with aunt Kate for that long is too much?" He asked his mother who was mid chew, I realized where he was going with this and the reason for his wink. He was helping out in persuading Ana to let them stay at my place "kate is okay with it unless you don't feel comfortable with that?" She hesitantly said as she placed her fork down. "No I was just pointing out that all three of us staying at her place for a couple more days might burden her specially that she already has her hands full with work and her own children." He said looking straight at me urging me to butt in to the conversation. "Yeah, he might have a point there. Kate already has alot on her plate with her kids and work we can't add more responsibilities on her." I said catching Ana's attention as she stared at me "how about you stay at my place?" I asked looking at all their faces trying to gauge their reaction.

"It won't be necessary they can stay over at Kate's she said she has no problem with that." Ana said before the kids had the chance to reply. "Anastasia come on even if she doesn't say anything you know how much responsibility three kids are and we can't throw it all on Kate. They can stay over at our house where I will take good care of them I promise." I said trying to show not only her but the kids as well how much they mean to me, how much I wanted them to stay with me. "I don't know" Ana said after a couple of seconds so I looked at the kids and asked them "what do you think? Would you be okay with staying at me place instead of Kate's?" I asked softly trying to make them agree. "I have no problem with it" Ted said making Phoebe shrug and say "fine with me" while katy smiled and said "fine with me" imitating her older sister without understanding what we are talking about.

Since the kids agreed to stay at the meadow house Ana couldn't say no so she finally nodded  "okay they can stay with you, but you better take good care of them or you won't like the outcome" she said threateningly, her momma bear mode engaged. I sent a message to Mrs, Taylor telling her to prepare the kid's bedrooms and cook something yummy for them. I want them to feel at home in my house as much as they do in their house back in Denver. I want them to link Seattle to their home the same way they do with the Denver. I want my kids back and I won't back down..

Yes your eyes aren't betraying you I am back. I know that the chapter isn't long but it is the most I could do for the time being. Thank you all for all your encouraging and inspiring comments, thank you for being there for me at my lowest. Your words of encouragement really helped me stand back up again ready for another fight. So thanks again and I hope you like the chapter

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