Phenomenal Woman

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Christian's POV:

"You have to do what Ana? What the hell are you planning?" I asked as she went silent. "Anastasia answer me." I said raising my voice a little trying to show her that I am not going to drop the subject. Specially since it is about my son, my deeply hurt and traumatized son...

"Hypnotherapy." She mumbles out looking away. "What??!!" I asked at the same time time that Ethan jumped up and said "hell no". She simply looked at us and replied "well I have no other choice. He doesn't want to talk. I have tried everything this is my last resort."  She said as she furiously wiped tears away from her eyes. "Ana you know the risks. This could totally destroy him, there is a reason the mind blocks some traumatizing events and that's because it can't handle them." Ethan told her as he sat close to her. "I know, but this is ruining him. He won't talk, he won't answer. He just keeps it in and then it all explodes in one freaking nightmare that worsens his heart condition." She said as she pulled her knees up and hugged them. "Yesterday his heart rate was 180, this can't keep happening. I can't lose him, not again." She said as she curled herself into a ball. "Ana I get what you are saying, but maybe he needs sometime. Don't do this to him. This will shatter all his trust in you and might consequently ruin him." He said as he started pacing infront of us. "What if this pushes him too far and he gets a panic attack. His heart will regress faster than ever specially after he loses those that he believes and trusts in.  Hypnotherapy is not a solution to this situation. Please listen to me. I won't let you do this, we will find another way." He says as he faces her again. She nods her head after a couple minutes of complete silence. "Okay." She says sniffling. We were interrupted from our conversation by the sound of a phone ringing, Ana's phone. She pulled it out of her pocket and answered it hastily.

"Oh god Danny." She said as tears accumulated in her eyes once again. Ohh you can't believe how much I hated that damn phone right now. I wanted to rip it out of her hands and smash it into a million pieces so that fucker won't be able to come near my Ana. I tried to focus my thoughts on something else, on what Ana just told me. My little boy was hurt, he almost died.. And I wan't there. He could've died that night because I failed to protect him. I failed to keep my promise to him and protect him from this ugly world.

If I didn't fuck up my son wouldn't be having nightmares and panic attacks. If I didn't hurt Ana I would've been able to protect him and prevent this accident. I need all the fucking details about it now, but I am sure that Ana is in no condition to talk. That's why I pull my phone out my pocket and send an email to Welch telling him to bring me everything about Thoedore from medical records to anything he can find. I might have been absent when he needed me most, but here I am now and I'm going to find a way to help him somehow.

By the time I sent the email Ana was done with her phone call with that ass. It seemed that he was able to comfort her a little since she was way calmer walking back in than she was when she left. "He kind of agrees with you." She said pointing to Ethan. "He believes that making him relive that night could cause too much damage that we won't be able to control." She continued as she went back to her seat.

Ethan relaxed his tense postures when she said that she is no longer planning on going through with her plan. "His therapist said that the change of scenery could actually be helpful specially when surrounded with people who don't know what happened. He hates pity and that's why he might feel more comfortable here than back home were every one knows what happened." She said as she curled into a ball once again. "So please don't show him that you know. Just keep on treating him the same way you did. This could actually help him if we play cards right."

"Yes off-course he needs a clear slate. Some place neutral, a safe place where he can let go of his demons. Can I try to talk to him please? Just let me try something." Ethan said looking at Ana pleadingly. I liked his idea, Ethan is one of the best therapists and he really cares about Ted. He is going to try his best to help him, he definitely is better than any fucked up therapist that believed that hypnotizing my boy is the solution. "Okay, yeah. But don't push him too hard he is still in a fragile stage." Ana said. "I am trusting you with him so please don't make me regret it. All of you." She continued as she sat straight and glared at each and every single one of us. "Ana don't worry I won't let him get hurt. Not again. Trust me." I said as she turned towards me "I did once, and guess where that lead me." Shit, that was a freaking low blow. It hurt, it seriously did. But what can I say she is right, I always talked about trust and it's importance in a BDSM relation but then I shattered her trust in me.

After a couple of silent minutes she stood up and said that she was going to pack her stuff and talk to the girls. Damn it, I forgot that she is still leaving. "When are you going?" I asked her. "My plane is at 2:00" she said as she headed towards the door. "Why don't you stay the whole day then you can leave at night?" I asked. "Even if you leave at 2 then you won't be able to get to work so there is no difference." I tried to reason with her. "The only plane leaving to Denver today is at 2:00" she said as she stood by the door. I was going to propose my jet for her to go back in but she cut me off before I even worded my thoughts. "Don't even think about it. Thanks but no" she snapped.

Ohh how I miss my Ana, she is still the same girl that left 7 years ago. A little more broken and sad but a whole lot stubborn. Before I could retort she headed out of the kitchen calking for her girls. "She is one hell of a strong woman." Mia said the moment Ana walked out. 

"I can't believe she handled all this shit, and alone." Elliot said as he rubbed his chin. " yeah she went through hell and back during Ted's hospital days." Kate said sighing. "I am still amazed that she was capable of juggling all this shit alone with her job and survive." Ethan said. I remained silent as they all kept on talking about my girls strength, well what can I say she is a phenomenal woman, my phenomenal woman. "Yeah my girl is a warrior." I said as I memories of her putting me back in my place flooded my brain. "Your girl? Sorry brother but your stupidity costed you her. She is not your girl any more." Mia snapped at me with an accusing glare. "No she will forever be my girl, I am going to get her back. I am not going to let her fight alone, not anymore." I said as I stood up to go check on my sleeping boy.

I know that I promised you and update on Sunday but I felt that the chapter was really short so I added some parts to it today before publishing it. I am glad to hear all your positive feedback regarding the story and the characters so far. I know that things are moving slow but next week I have my finals and then I will be updating at a way faster pace. Things will not change overnight this is my belief, I hate rushed books were they forgive and forget so fast. When you are hurt by someone you really love, it takes alot of time to heal and way more time to forgive.

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